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Sadly, about 15 years after the book was published, Lucy was affected by multiple sclerosis, a disease of the nervous system that left her bedridden and unable to feed herself.

Sadly to say, the overall response was not that good. 遗憾地说,整个的回答并不好。
Sadly with the arrival of the new BAB chairman Mr Vincent Sumpter nothing changed, he made the statement below despite the factual information available to him and his executive, lets not forget that Mr Sumpter had the only four surviving students of Abbe 可惜随着进入新博白主席文森特司令部没有改变,但他发表声明,尽管下面的事实资料提供给他和他的长官,让我们不要忘记,何先驱了,只有四名学生尚存阿贝唤醒为克以内博白.
Sadly, China's success is an obstacle, as well as an inspiration. 很遗憾,中国的成功既鼓舞人心,又是一个障碍。
Sadly, I expect the football authorities will be as purblind. 可叹的是,我估计足球当局也会和我们的大使馆一样愚钝和半盲。
Sadly, I have to admit that I find most Chinese cities visually boring. 遗憾的是,我得承认我发现中国大部分城市在感观上是乏味的。
Sadly, about 15 years after the book was published, Lucy was affected by multiple sclerosis, a disease of the nervous system that left her bedridden and unable to feed herself. 不幸的是,在这本书出版大约15年后,露西染上了多发性硬化症——一种神经系统疾病,致使她瘫痪,生活不能自理。
Sadly, as the actor's stardom was growing, his three-year-old marriage to Sheree Zampino was falling apart. 令人伤感的是,在史密斯的电影事业刚要起步的时候,他与舍丽·严皮诺三年的婚姻宣告破裂。
Sadly, at sixteen, I found it necessary to stop music lessons when I was cramming for my university entrance. 令人伤心的是十六岁时,我不得不停了音乐课而为升大学忙碌地准备功课。
Sadly, commercial varieties of cut rose lack fragrance. 可惜,市售的切花玫瑰都缺少芳香。
Sadly, current divorce rates are quite high in America. 但令人悲哀的是,现在美国的离婚率很高。
Sadly, however, he has lost some of his lustre. 然而可悲的是,这位巴西的总统,已经不复往日的光彩。

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