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It was difficult for upland crops to grow on the saline-alkali soil in the coastal plain and Liaohe river regions.

It was developed from Hunan folk art embroidery methods by innovative Hunanese. 它的产生可追溯到2000多年前的春秋战国时期。
It was developed to address a need among the aboriginal communities in rural Australia. 这个方法本是针对澳洲乡村地区的原住民团体的需要而设计的。
It was differentiated from the typical tin pan alley popular music of the times by dark tonal qualities which were the result of mixing major, minor and 7th chords with the music. 后来在融合了大小调和七和弦以后,12小节布鲁斯就以其低沉忧郁的音质从典型的流行音乐时代脱颖而出。
It was difficult for me and Damien Duff to get on the ball at times until the game opened up. 直到比赛打开为止,这对于我和达夫时常触球来说是很困难的。
It was difficult for me to conceive how to solve the problem. 我很难去构想如何去解决这问题。
It was difficult for upland crops to grow on the saline-alkali soil in the coastal plain and Liaohe river regions. 在沿海平原和辽河流域盐碱土上很难种植旱地作物。
It was difficult for us to decide which road to take. 对我们来说,很难决定走哪一条路。
It was difficult promoting the sales of this medicine. 推销这种药品很困难。
It was difficult to apportion the blame for the accident between the two drivers. 这次车祸中要分摊两个司机的责任是很难的。
It was difficult to clamber the mountain. 爬上那座大山是困难的。
It was difficult to end the system of slavery before the Civil War because the people who owned the slaves had a vested interest in keeping it. 美国南北战争以前,要废除奴隶制度是因难的,因为维持这一制度的人有既得利益。

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