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[bbe] They have only now been planted, and their seed put into the earth, and they have only now taken root, when he sends out his breath over them and they become dry, and the storm-wind takes them away like dry grass.

[bbe] They gave help everyone to his neighbour; and everyone said to his brother, Take heart! 他们各人帮助邻舍,各人对弟兄说,壮胆吧。
[bbe] They gave worship with songs before the House of the Tent of meeting, till Solomon put up the house of the Lord in Jerusalem; and they took their places for their work in their regular order. 他们就在会幕前当歌唱的差,及至所罗门在耶路撒冷建造了耶和华的殿,他们便按著班次供职。
[bbe] They go quickly on the face of the waters; their heritage is cursed in the earth; the steps of the crusher of grapes are not turned to their vine-garden. 这些恶人犹如浮萍快快飘去。他们所得的分在世上被咒诅。他们不得再走葡萄园的路。
[bbe] They have made wise designs against your people, talking together against those whom you keep in a secret place. 他们同谋奸诈,要害你的百姓,彼此商议,要害你所隐藏的人。
[bbe] They have no knowledge or sense; they go about in the dark: all the bases of the earth are moved. 你们仍不知道,也不明白,在黑暗中走来走去。地的根基都摇动了。
[bbe] They have only now been planted, and their seed put into the earth, and they have only now taken root, when he sends out his breath over them and they become dry, and the storm-wind takes them away like dry grass. 他们是刚才栽上,(刚才或作不曾下同)刚才种上,根也刚才扎在地里,他一吹在其上,便都枯干,旋风将他们吹去,像碎秸一样。
[bbe] They have put on fire your holy place; they have made the place of your name unclean, pulling it down to the earth. 他们用火焚烧你的圣所,亵渎你名的居所,拆毁到地。
[bbe] They made war with Bera, king of Sodom, and with Birsha, king of Gomorrah, Shinab, king of Admah, and Shemeber, king of Zeboiim, and the king of Bela (which is Zoar). 他们都攻打所多玛王比拉、蛾摩拉王比沙、押玛王示纳、洗扁王善以别、和比拉王.比拉就是琐珥。
[bbe] They make ready the table, they put down the covers, they take food and drink. Up! you captains; put oil on your breastplates. 他们摆设筵席,派人守望,又吃又喝。首领阿,你们起来,用油抹盾牌。
[bbe] They may give curses but you give blessing; when they come up against me, put them to shame; but let your servant be glad. 任凭他们咒骂。惟愿你赐福。他们几时起来就必蒙羞,你的仆人却要欢喜。
[bbe] They put the fat on the breasts, and the fat was burned on the altar. 把脂油放在胸上、他就把脂油烧在坛上。

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