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Stock dividends are fundamentally different from cash divi-dends because stock dividends do not transfer the assets of the corporation to the stockholders.

Stochastically carries the double headed thrust line, may link splices the same brand (the Taihe sign) the 12V sufficient electric lamp, may lengthen the electric appliance showing time (to be sure not to connect different brand sufficient electric lamp), 随机携带双头插线,可连拼接同品牌(泰和牌)12V充电灯,可延长电器放映时间(切勿连接不同品牌的充电灯),否则一律不负责任)。
Stock Men's Polar Fleece Jackets, original order to Korea, made from surplus fabric. Size 95, 100, 105, 110, color Black, Blue, Coffee. Nice quality, all made in Zhejiang, China. 股票男装摇粒绒外套,原为韩国,制成面料的盈余.面积95,100,105,110,颜色黑,蓝,咖啡.尼斯质量,使所有在中国浙江.
Stock and maintain warehouse inventory. 储存并保存仓库存货清单.
Stock appreciation rights are widely used as equity incentives by Chinese blue chip companies listed overseas. 摘要股票增值权是上市公司对管理层实施激励的重要做法,在我国大型国有控股境外上市公司中普遍采用。
Stock dividend and stock split differ in that stock dividend shifts an amount from retained earnings to paid-in capital, leaving the par value per share unchanged while a stock split affects no account balances whatsoever. 股票股利和股票分割的差别在于:股票股利将留存收益的金额转移到缴入资本之中,每股面值不变,而股票分割并不影响帐户余额。
Stock dividends are fundamentally different from cash divi-dends because stock dividends do not transfer the assets of the corporation to the stockholders. 股票股利与现金股利有根本区别,因为股票鼓励并不将公司的资产转移给股东。
Stock exchange with 100 shares is called “Whole Batch Buying”, and Stock exchange with less than100 shares is called “Bulk Buying”. Investors should pay fairly high payments in bulk buying. 成100股的股票交易称之为“整份购买”。少于100股的股票购买称之为“零星购买”。零星购买时,“投资者”要交较高的费用。
Stock exchanges and securities depository and clearing institutions shall formulate business operation guidelines in accordance with the requirements of this Circular and carry out the matters related to obtaining the right to list and trade non-tradable 七、证券交易所、证券登记结算机构应当根据本通知要求,制定业务操作指引,并办理试点上市公司非流通股股份获得上市流通权的有关事项。
Stock farming rears livestock primarily for meat (e.g. beef , lamb). Market gardening is the growing of vegetable and fruit which can be rapidly transported to market while fresh. 家畜业饲养家畜主要是提供肉食(例如牛肉和羊肉)。市场果蔬业种植蔬菜和水果,在新鲜时就快捷的运输到市场出售。
Stock food items neat in shelves and fridges. 把食品整齐摆放在货架上和冰箱内。
Stock futures offer high leverage. 股票型期货提供高杠杆操作。

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