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Tolerance of the procedure with topical anesthesia was satisfactory.

Tolerance consists in respecting the opinions of others. 宽容在于尊重别人的意见。
Tolerance implies no lack of commitment to one's own beliefs.Rather it condemns the oppression or persecution of others. 宽容并不意味着丧失信仰,而是对别人给予的压迫以无声的谴责.
Tolerance is a sign of breeding. 容忍是很有教养的象徵。
Tolerance is a sign of weakness. 宽容是弱者的标志。
Tolerance is the best solution to differences. 包容别人时,双方的问题就解决了。
Tolerance of the procedure with topical anesthesia was satisfactory. 所有病人在局部麻醉下的忍受性均相当良好。
Tolerance on outer diameter and wall thickness should be observed,but for the following two circum stances,shorter axis should not be less than 95% of nominal diameter. 管材的不圆和壁厚不匀,应不超出外径的壁厚允许偏差,但属下列两种情况之一者,其短轴尺寸应不小于公称外径的95%。
Tolerate their interruptions. 对他们的打扰表示宽容。
Tolerate them ,not out of any sense of humanity but for crass self-interest. 容忍他们,不是出于人性,而是为了极度的私利。
Tolerate.Comprehend the man, comprehend the life, comprehend the world, comprehend the oneself, comprehend the square and can tolerate, tolerate and then can be happy. 宽容。理解男人,理解生活,理解世界,理解自己,理解方可宽容,宽容才能快乐。
Toleration is not a virtue any more beyond a certain limitation. 66超过某个限度之后,宽容便不再是美德。

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