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Tottering(12) on high, spiky(13) heels, she appeared to lean in this fashion for about 10 seconds and then collapsed in the arms of pageant assistants.

Tottenham boss Martin Jol is desperate to hold onto Chimbonda, but the chance to make a £5m profit on the player who moved from Wigan last summer may be too good to turn down. 热刺的主帅马丁·约尔尽管极力的想要留住齐姆邦达,但是如果可以从齐姆邦达身上赚到500万英镑也是一个看似不错的结果(热刺上赛季从维甘花500万英镑购入齐姆邦达)。
Tottenham were the first club to test The Blues' resolve to retain Duff, but Newcastle have stolen a march on all suitors, with Duff's projected signing representing a sizeable coup for Glenn Roeder. 热刺俱乐部首先与切尔西进行谈判的,但都被纽卡斯尔偷走了一系列的协定,随着达夫的签字将会给喜鹊教练格兰恩·罗德带来更多的变化。
Tottenham will launch a £10million bid to prise England midfielder Joe Cole from London rivals Chelsea in January's transfer window. 托特纳姆热刺队想在一月转会期花费1000万英镑买走同城对手切尔西的英格兰国脚J科尔。
Tottenham will test Chelsea's resolve to hang on to their fringe players by making a £6million move for England left-back Wayne Bridge. 热刺将考验切尔西挽留它们的边缘球员的决心,据说他们将会用600万英镑来求购英格兰的左边后卫---韦恩布里奇.
Tottenham's visit pits Michael Carrick against his former team, less than six weeks after swapping White Hart Lane for Old Trafford. 在从白鹿巷球场转会到老特拉福德的六个星期后,卡里克迎来了和老东家托特纳姆的对决。
Tottering(12) on high, spiky(13) heels, she appeared to lean in this fashion for about 10 seconds and then collapsed in the arms of pageant assistants. 她穿着又尖又细的高跟鞋,又摇晃了大约10秒,最后倒在助手们的怀里。
Totti was originally scheduled to make his return in Sunday's game against Treviso, but had to withdraw from the squad because of illness. 拖地原计划对特累委琐的比赛中复出的,但因为生病不得不退出。
Touch a name; contact a soul. 触摸每一个名字,就是贴近每一个灵魂。
Touch of Death (78): Launches a strong dark attack. 死亡触觉(78):发动一次强力的黑暗攻击。
Touch of Weakness: This spell can now activate Surge of Light. 虚弱之触:现在可以触发光明涌动。
Touch on developing large-flow and high-pressure ratio impressor and large-enthalpy drop turbine, reducing harmful emission, solving the major problems of high-temperature blade material, cooling, protective coating and single-grain blade casting, and com 涉及了开发大流量高压比压气机、大焓降涡轮,降低有害排放量,解决高温叶片的材料、冷却、保护涂层及单晶叶片铸造等主要问题,并确认了一些关键的制造技术。

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