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A major challenge in studying the synapse is how to tell what observed effects are due to presynaptic factors and which to postsynaptic ones.

A mainland doctor who was not allowed to practise in Hong Kong yesterday was found guilty of performing an illegal abortion on a girl, 15. 一名非法在港执业的大陆医师,非法替十五岁少女进行堕胎手术,昨日被判罪名成立。
A maintenance manual gives diagrams and instructions for repairing your car. 维修手册向您提供修理汽车所需的图表和说明。
A major Mendel revival would be a boon to Czech science, long isolated during the Communist era. 对于在共产党时代遭受长期孤立的捷克科学界来说,孟德尔的重现天日可是天赐良机。
A major benefit of this “therapeutic cloning” technique will be the ability to create tissues from versions of our cells that have been made “younger” by correcting DNA errors and senescence-related changes. 这种「医疗复制」技术的主要好处之一,是使用我们自身的各种细胞,改正其中的DNA错误以及伴随老化而出现的改变,使细胞「年轻化」,然后再利用它们制造出组织来。
A major cause of the disease in this area is unclean water. 这个地区疾病的主要原因是水不清洁。
A major challenge in studying the synapse is how to tell what observed effects are due to presynaptic factors and which to postsynaptic ones. 研究突触最大的困难在于如何区辨所观察到的反应是来自突触前或突触后因子所导致。
A major change for wonderkind and enfant terrible Robin van Persie. 这是神童外加孩子气的小配的主要变化。
A major change in the market disposition pattern has given rise to a fresh round of color TV price war among home TV manufacturers. 市场格局发生了重大变化,引发了新一轮国产彩电价格大战。
A major coal mining area of depleted coal, and anthracite Shoumei poverty, low sulphur (0.4%), China grey (14%), made of high heat (25MJ/KG), meet environmental requirements, is the quality of life and industrial Donglimei coal, mainly for power generatio 矿区主要煤种有贫煤、贫瘦煤和无烟煤,低硫(0.4%)、中灰(14%)、高发热量(25MJ/KG),符合环保要求,是优质的工业动力煤和生活用煤,主要用于发电、冶炼和民用。
A major component of wheat breeding programmes is to incorporate disease resistance, particularly to the various leaf and stem diseases, the races of which frequently change and genetic resistance continually breaks down. 小麦育种项目的一个重要部分是抗病育种,特别是针对各种叶和茎病,致病菌系经常改变,致使小麦的遗传抗性不断地失效。
A major concern investors have about unsecured corporate bonds, no matter how highly rated, is that the rating agencies will downgrade them because of some disruptive event affecting the issuer. 投资者对于没有保证的公司债券的主要担心在于,不论现在的评级有多高,一旦发生对发行人产生严重影响的事件,评级机构将调低其评级。

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