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Her husband could be freed on bail within months.

Her humour adds salt to her conversation. 她很幽默, 谈起话来妙趣横生.
Her husban`d saw her (so she learned from her father) it might be once in five o`r six times: it might be twice o`r thrice running: it might be, not fo`r a week o`r a fo`rtnight together. 她去六次,她的丈夫也许能看到她一次(她的父亲这样告诉她),有时也可能连续两天都能看到,有时也可能一两个礼拜都看不到。
Her husband Leigh, felt this was just a fling with acting - one that would soon get out of her system. 她的丈夫李认为这不过是一时心血来潮而已――表演很快就会淡出她的生活。
Her husband bought her a gold-plated watch. 她丈夫给她买了一只镀金手表。
Her husband burst into the room. 她的丈夫突然闯入了房间。
Her husband could be freed on bail within months. 她的丈夫有可能在几个月内交保释放。
Her husband debited all the money against her account and then escaped to America. 她丈夫把她存折上所有的钱都取走了然后逃亡美国。
Her husband encouraged her to complete her study. 她丈夫鼓励她完成学业。
Her husband exerted a lot of pressure on her to succeed. 她丈夫殷切地希望她能成功,给了她很大的压力。
Her husband had a lot of money, which turned her head. 她的丈夫很有钱,这使得她忘乎所以。
Her husband had come home early and prepared a festive meal. 她心想,会不会是办公室里有人向他通风报信了呢?

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