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When the marmoset is born, the father cleans it, then carries it to the mother only when it needs to be nursed.

When the man was about to drink the water in the cup, the eagle knocked it out of his hand, and spilled the poisoned water on the ground. 当不知情的农夫端起杯子正准备喝水时,鹰猛扑过来撞掉了农夫手中的水杯。有毒的水洒到了地上。
When the man's smile lured me to join him, we began to communicate in the kind of sign language and laughter one learns while vagabonding around the world. 有人建议我们径直穿过拥挤的车流,不要左顾右盼,以免他们撞到我们。
When the map is rendered, this spatial data is used to project the locations of the objects on a two-dimensional piece of paper. 在生成可视化道路图时,需要利用空间数据将空间对象的位置投影到二维的平面上。
When the market price is less than conditional price, then the sell order will be place in the market. 当市场报价低于预设价格,那麽卖出指令将被提交给交易市场。
When the markets were buzzing earlier this year, they assumed nothing could go wrong in such a short time. 上半年市场行情火爆,他们断定短期内事情不会恶化。
When the marmoset is born, the father cleans it, then carries it to the mother only when it needs to be nursed. 狨宝宝出生时,狨爸爸会为小狨猴清洗身体,要喂奶时,才会将宝宝交给妈妈。
When the material liquid is homogenized under high pressure, the liquid delamination can be prevented or reduced while the fineness, cleanliness, looseness and inner quality can be improved. 料液在高压下进行均质,能起到防止和减少液料的分层,提高科液的细洁度、疏松度和提高在制品的内在质量。
When the materials received, you should debit invetory, credit perchased materials. When the materials exhausted, you should debit capital expenditureand credit this account. 购入并已验收入库时,由“物资采购”科目转入“存货”科目,借记“存货”,贷记“物资采购”。存货领用出库时,借记“营林工程支出”等科目,贷记本科目。
When the mayor began eating lunch here regularly, our downtown restaurant became popular with the city's most illustrious captains of industry. 自市长时常来这里用餐开始,我们这个市区餐馆随著本市最杰出的大企业首脑的频频光顾而声名鹊起。
When the mayor cut our budget almost in half, I felt like we were getting the short end of the stick. 市长削减了我们将近一半的预算,我觉得我们吃亏了。
When the meaning of a statement cannot be established through an analysis of its grammar we call it rhetorical. 当一段陈述的意义不能通过语法分析建立起来的时候,我们就称之为修辞性的。

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