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A big frog plunged into the river agilely,swam in its life space stretching their legs heartily.

A big factory manufactures goods in large quantities by using machines. 大工厂使用机器大量制造商品。
A big fat duck was slaughtered and cooked, and its stomach was filled with sparrows. 一只大肥鸭被杀掉烹煮了,这只鸭肚里塞满了麻雀。
A big fire broke out in the forest last month and now it has been completely put down. 上个月森林里发生了一场大火,现在已经被扑灭。
A big fire broke out suddenly. 一场大火从天而降。
A big forest fire broke out last night. 昨夜发生了一场森林火灾。
A big frog plunged into the river agilely,swam in its life space stretching their legs heartily. 一只大青蛙敏捷地跳入河中,在它的生活空间里尽情蹬腿畅游。
A big house in the country is my ambition. 在乡间有间大房子是我的野心。
A big jolt on Wall Street this afternoon. 今天下午华尔街股市出现了巨幅震荡。
A big man with grizzled whiskers and gleaming shaven head on which a stay sunbeam was dancing. 他是个大个子,花白胡子,头剃得晶光瓦亮,偶然有一道阳光在他的头顶上摇晃着。
A big market for gourmet foods. 精致食品的销路很好
A big marmot toy sitting on the bike, looked so funny! 一只巨大的土拨鼠玩具坐在自行车后座上,看起来真逗!

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