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A:Sorry, shall I first make an introduction of the responsible people present on the rostrum and then I''ll take your question?

A:So what's your suggestions? 那么你有什么建议?
A:So you can understand my surprise.Any idea what time is it? 所以你要理解我为什么惊奇啊。知道几点了吗?
A:So you get drunk every day? 那你每天都喝醉了?
A:Soon you'll come to like Chicago. 你一定很快就会喜爱芝加哥.
A:Sorry to have bothered you. All right, you're in the clear now. 抱歉打扰您了。好了,你们已经办完手续了。
A:Sorry, shall I first make an introduction of the responsible people present on the rostrum and then I''ll take your question? 抱歉,我要首先介绍一下在主席台上就座的负责人,然后我再回答您的问题。
A:Sounds tempting.Is that all? 真有食欲。就这些了吗?
A:Sunday night I am having a cocktail party. (星期日晚上我会开一个鸡尾酒会。)
A:Sure,what can I do for you? 当然可以,我能帮你些什么呢?
A:Sure. I hope China will lead the way again in Asia in the future. 当然啦。我希望中国未来在亚洲将再度领先。
A:Sure. Thank you very much. 当然可以。非常感谢。

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