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A format layer specifying character format attributes.

A formal statement by a plaintiff specifying the facts and circumstances constituting his or her cause of action. 诉词,陈述状原告就构成其采取行动的事实和情况作出的正式申述
A formal wedding commands respect especially if the cere-mony is in a traditional tem-ple or cathedral. 正式的婚礼需要的是尊重,尤其当婚礼是在一个传统的寺庙或者大教堂举行的时候。
A formal writing system, known as the Early Indus script, emerged in this phase, as evinced by its appearance on numerous pottery fragments and in impressions that a seal, or stamp, made in clay. 印度河文明早期文字的正式书写体系也在此时诞生,从陶器碎片上和图章在黏土上盖出的印记里,都可以证明。
A formal written composition intended to be published, presented, or read aloud; a scholarly essay or treatise. 学术论文一篇写好的正式著作,为了出版、讲演或宣读;学术文章或论文
A formal written statement as to competency and dependability, given by an employer to a former employee; a recommendation. 推荐信由雇主给予以前的雇员的有关其能力或可信任性的正式书面陈述;推荐信
A format layer specifying character format attributes. 定义字符格式属性的样式层次。
A format layer specifying paragraph format attributes. 段落格式层:用来指定段落格式属性的某一格式层。
A formatted message describing a circumstance relevant to network security. Alerts are often derived from critical audit events. 一种描述有关网络安全情况的格式化的信息。警报经常在关键的审核事件中产生。
A former British Airways stewardess who prided herself on being, chic, sophisticated and smart,Lucie sometimes did her hair even before going to the gym for a workout. 作为一名以“别致可爱、经验丰富、聪明伶俐”自诩的前英国航空公司乘务员,露茜有时候甚至在去健身房锻炼之前都要做头发。
A former British colony and protectorate of southern Arabia, part of Southern Yemen(now Yemen) since1967. 亚丁以前为英国的殖民地及阿拉伯半岛南部的一个保护国,1967年以后是南也门(现也门)的一部分
A former Interactor, Ruth joined the Rotaract Club of Kota Kinabalu and took part in a Rotary Youth Leadership Awards program. 曾经是扶轮少年服务团团员的露丝在当地加入寇塔基那巴鲁扶轮青年服务团,并参与扶轮青少年领袖奖计划。

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