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[Mdical application] bromelain has the effects of improving the immunity,diminishing inflammation , alleviating pain and stimulating digestion as well as helps with cardiovascular and circulatory improvement.

[Lianyong Zheng editor in chief. Traffic Impact Analysis in City. CHINA ARCHITECTURE &BUILDING PRESS.July 2006. 郑连勇主编.城市交通影响评价[M].中国建筑工业出版社.2006,7.
[Main composition brief introduction] The mythic fungus germ-entity implies various compositions with live sugar, alkaloid, inside the ester, fragrant bean vegetable, water-soluble protein and various cymes. 灵芝子实体含有多种糖类活性成分,生物碱,内酯,香豆素,水溶性蛋白质和多种酶类。
[Marina sounds upset, like she's been crying. Jenny stares at the ceiling. [M听上去难过,象是哭泣。J凝望天花板。
[Marvin and Phelp are at an electronics store, shopping for a PDA. 马文和菲尔普在电子用品店买PDA。
[Marvin's new roommate Sandra is a tech 1)geek and Marvin isn't. He is trying to get up to speed before she arrives. 马文的新室友珊卓拉是个科技狂,而马文不是。他想在她搬进来之前迎头赶上。
[Mdical application] bromelain has the effects of improving the immunity,diminishing inflammation , alleviating pain and stimulating digestion as well as helps with cardiovascular and circulatory improvement. 菠萝酶具有提高免疫力、消炎、止痛、助消化等显著功效,并对心血管疾病有辅助功效。
[Memory] Minimize memory load. Users should not be required to memorize a lot of information to carry out tasks. Memory load reduces users_ capacity to carry out the main tasks. 记忆力:最小化的占用用户的记忆。用户不愿意记住一堆信息,以执行下一个任务。大量占用用户记忆空间将减少用户宏观上执行整个任务的能力。
[Message] Good error messages. The messages should be informative enough such that users can understand the nature of errors, learn from errors, and recover from errors. 好的报警信息,报警信息应该有效而充分,让用户能从该信息中学会并转向正确的操作。
[Method] uses the department which the questionnaire survey procedure diagnosis 10 three level of first-class hospital healthy assistant age structure, the school record structure, the job seniority structure as well as the operating region and have juris 采用问卷调查法调查分析10所三级甲等医院健康助理员年龄结构、学历结构、工龄结构以及工作范围和所管辖的部门。
[NIV] ' 'Aram did business with you because of your many products; they exchanged turquoise, purple fabric, embroidered work, fine linen, coral and rubies for your merchandise. 16[和合]亚兰人,因你的工作很多,就作你的客商;他们用绿宝石、紫色布绣货、细麻布、珊瑚、红宝石,兑换你的货物。
[NIV] ' 'But there was another great eagle with powerful wings and full plumage. 7[和合]“‘又有一大鹰,翅膀大,羽毛多。

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