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A favored escape among the British royal family, Huka Lodge has hosted Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Edward and more dukes and duchesses than you could shake a scepter at.

A faulty train triggered the su e ion of service between Tiu Keng Leng and North Point for 47 minutes during the morning rush, leaving thousands of cro -harbour commuters late for work. 一列列车在早上繁忙时间发生故障,导致调景岭至北角之间的列车服务中断四十七分钟,数以千计的过海乘客上班迟到。
A faulty train triggered the suspension of service between Tiu Keng Leng and North Point for 47 minutes during the morning rush, leaving thousands of cross-harbour commuters late for work. 一列列车在早上繁忙时间发生故障,导致调景岭至北角之间的列车服务中断四十七分钟,数以千计的过海乘客上班迟到。
A favorable external environment, embedded in the world's economic growth and robust international market demand combined the internal incentives represented by central government's subsidies for areas heavily burdened with export tax rebates. 世界经济增长和国际市场需求处于较高水平,为上半年出口增长创造了好环境;中央对出口退税负担较重的地区给予补助的政策,保护了各地出口积极性。
A favorable or appropriate time or juncture; an opportunity. 机会,时机一个有利的或合适的时间或时机;机会
A favorable transferring between Dongguan light rail transit network and the regional railways offers a necessary condition for the external connection of Dongguan City. 摘要东莞市轨道交通网络与境内地区铁路的良好接驳是充分实现东莞市轨道交通网络外联功能的必要条件。
A favored escape among the British royal family, Huka Lodge has hosted Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Edward and more dukes and duchesses than you could shake a scepter at. 作为英国皇室成员消遣散心之地,胡卡小屋曾经招待过伊丽莎白女皇二世,爱德华王子以及多位公爵和公爵妇人。
A favored female companion or sweetheart. 女朋友最喜欢的女性同伴或爱人
A favorite with tourists and locals alike, the market is a great place to stroll, dine, shop, and people-watch. 对观光客和本地人来说,市场是一个很好的閒逛、小吃、买东西、人看人的地方。
A fawn behind the tree looked at us curiously. 树后面一只小鹿好奇地看着我们。
A fax costs Y 4 with extra Y8 per min for IDD fee. Please tell me the fax number where you send the fax to. 发送传真一张4元,除此之外还需加收每分钟8.8元的国际长途费,请把您要发送的传真号告诉我.
A fearful person is a weak person. 怕这怕那的人是软弱的人。

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