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Please show the brief differentia between hydroponics and soil culture.

Please show me your new book. 请给我看看你的新书。
Please show me your outpatient appointment card. 请将你的门诊预约单给我看。
Please show me your passport. 请出示你的护照。
Please show me your winelist. 请给我看一下酒单。
Please show me yur tax payment receipt and tax return forms. 请出示您的完税凭证和税单。
Please show the brief differentia between hydroponics and soil culture. 请简要说明营养液栽培与土壤栽培在植物养分供应上的不同点。
Please show the membership card. 请出示会员卡.
Please show us how to do that. 请演示给我们如何去做。
Please show us you are the attendee of this Hi-tech Expo in order to facilitate each participation business to be able to enjoy the preferential benefit room price of this exposition during your booking. 为方便各参展商能够享受此次展会优惠房价,请一定在预订房间时说明是参加此次科博会的公司。
Please show your ID card. 请给我出示你的身份证。
Please show your courtesy while facing foreigners. 面对老外时,请表现出你的礼貌。

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