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Using the funnel-shaped lid, pour the tealeaves into our refreshener.

Using the express lifts, one gets to the area above the commercial podium (levels 7 and 8). 经由快速升降电梯可以直达七至八楼的商务部。
Using the famous American brand name of DJAX, DJAX Lubricant Company (Beijing) Ltd. is an automobile company that imports the most advanced mixing technology as well as the most famous SLICK50 anti-friction products, and provides Chinese customers with th 北京德杰仕润滑油有限公司延用美国德杰仕这一著名品牌,引进国外最先进的调合技术和世界上最著名的SLICK50引擎抗磨剂,将最优质的车用润滑产品提供给中国广大用户。
Using the first law of black hole mechanics, it follows that the entropy of a black hole is one quarter of the area of the horizon. 使用黑洞力学第一定律,它遵守黑洞熵是活动视界区域中的四分之一。
Using the following outline, submit your team project proposal by the day of Lecture 8. 利用以下的大纲,于讲课#8之前呈上你们的小组项目提案。
Using the formula of the Universal Gravitation and the Centrifugal Force, we can calculate that the centrifugal force required for rotation is 3.4 billion billion billion times of the universal gravity. 利用万有引力和向心力的公式,我们可以计算出,绕转所需的向心力为万有引力的3400亿亿亿倍。
Using the funnel-shaped lid, pour the tealeaves into our refreshener. 茶叶潮湿了或想改变茶叶的烘焙火候,都可用茶炙来调整。
Using the furnace itself to dry the refractory has been reported in some cases but usually the flue gases will be too hot even with the minimum burner tip combination. 有过报道,说有时用加热炉自身来干燥耐火砖,但通常烟气会太热(即使烧嘴火嘴组合最小)。
Using the fuzzy mathematic method, the fuzzy information of earthquake preparation shown by the seismicity multifold indexes was transformed into the clear results of earthquake prediction. 应用这些方法可以将多项指标所显示的孕震的模糊信息转化为清晰的地震预测结果。
Using the general singular value decomposition of matrices, the necessary and sufficient conditions for the expressions for the centroskew symmetric solutions of the linear matrix equation A(superscript T)XA=B are established. 摘要利用矩阵的广义奇异值分解,得到了线性矩阵方程A(上标T)XA=B有中心斜对称解的充分必要条件及其通解的表达式。
Using the geo-systematic science of the earth as the guidance, systemic studies have been made on this landslide on the basis of much of the local investigation and in-situ testing as well as experiments in the room. 以地球系统科学为指导,在大量现场调研、现场测试和室内试验的基础上,对该滑坡进行了系统研究,研究成果表明,秦峪滑坡是一个在断裂带基础上发育的一个多层次、多期次大型滑坡群组合体。
Using the grid-type method to partition the space, regarding the modeling data as the antigen and the fuzzy rules as the antibody, this method determines the structure of T-S system with immune theory and adopts the least square method to estimate consequ 该方法结合网格空间划分方法,以建模数据为抗原,模糊规则为抗体,采用人工免疫原理确定系统结构,并应用最小二乘方法估计线性规则后件参数。

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