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Function: Stimulates the human body cell and the biological modelling wave principle using the micro electric current, the massage spot inspires the human body acupuncture point and the channels and collaterals.

Function: Dissolve pore dust and make up remainder dirt, soften skin and remove dead cell. Renew and provide skin moisture, keep skin be moist and bright. 功效:融解深藏在毛孔内的污垢及残余彩妆,软化表皮,彻底去除老化角质;性质温和,适度补充肌肤水份,用后肌肤润白滑爽。
Function: Increases libido and improves the quality of sexual life; regulates fat metabolism, relieves midlife obesity; revivifies the emotion, relieves mental stress and calms the stress. 功效:提高性欲、改善性生活质量。调整脂肪代谢,缓解中年肥胖。振奋情绪,缓解精神压力,安抚心理紧张。
Function: Massages partially, increases the renal function, balances endocrine, moistens and nourishes yin and body building. 功效:局部按摩,强化肾功能,平衡内分泌,滋润养阴,强体健身。
Function: Relaxes nervous system, relieves the stress, sedation, removes the tiredness and relieves muscle ache and pain. 功效:松弛神经系统,减轻压力,安宁镇静,消除疲劳,舒解肌肉酸痛。
Function: Removes the bloating of stomach and halitosis, eliminates internal toxins, promotes intestine movement, facilitates excretion and digestion. 功效:消除胃涨气、口腔异味,排除体内毒素。促进肠道蠕动,使排便通畅,有助于消化。
Function: Stimulates the human body cell and the biological modelling wave principle using the micro electric current, the massage spot inspires the human body acupuncture point and the channels and collaterals. 功能:利用微电流刺激人体细胞及仿生物波原理,按摩点振人体穴位及经络。
Function: Strengthens the function of ovary wholly, regulates endocrine and reproductive system, improves dysmenorrhea, irregular menstration and leukorrhea, balances hormone level. 功效:全方位增强卵巢功能,调节内分泌及生殖系统,改善痛经、月经不调、白带过多、阴道分泌过少,平衡荷尔蒙。
Function: The whole set of track system is made of imported stainless steel, they are lean, durable, easy to assemble; More than that, it can be used as track for simultaneously audio-recording. 功能:全套导轨由进口不锈钢工业管精制而成,轻巧、牢固、易拆装,可作同期声移动轨使用。
Function: investment exam and approval, gratuitous application procedure for investors, accepting and hearing complain and in charge of coordinating and settling problems. 职能:提供投资审批咨询服务,无偿代办审批的手续;受理企业投诉,并负责协调督促解决。
Function: to accelerate blood circulation and metabolic rate. In turn, this helps cure problems with tendons ,bones, arthrosis, as well as relax the body, mind and improve health conditions. 功能:加速血液循环及新陈代谢率,对于筋骨关节类毛病有改善作用,亦有助于舒缓疲劳及增强体质。
Function:Four continuous scene in one photo. 功能:一张照片可以拍摄四格连续画面.

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