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“In today's market place many people tend to become overwhelmed with the over hyped and highly charged writing that most web sites employ to gain visitors business.

“In the present context, criticality and self-organized criticality, used in the sense of statistical physics, refer to two very different concepts, which leads to a lot of confusions, as seen in this debate. “在目前的上下文中,危险状态和‘自组成危险状态’,在静态物理意义中,指的是下种非常不同的概念,导致许多混淆,如同在这场辩论中所看到的那样。”
“In the rain I sent the love letters to you. “通过雨,我送了我的情书给你。”
“In this agency business we are people talking to people,and that's what we should keep running through our fingers. 广告是人与人沟通的行业。我们应永远力行这个原则。
“In this business when you start putting the emphasis on counting money rather than getting out better ads and otherwise giving your clients better service,you soon learn that there is very little money to count. 在我们这个行业,当你开始关心数钞票,胜于做好广告及服务客户时,很快的,你就会发现没有多少钞票可数。
“In this way, specific data pieces are tentatively made available from the given primary text via algorithmic procedures. Their content must subsequently be interpreted and validated. 以这种方法,研究者将藉由演算法程序,从原始文字资料中测试性地获得特定资料片段。这些内容必须再经过随后的诠释与检验工作。
“In today's market place many people tend to become overwhelmed with the over hyped and highly charged writing that most web sites employ to gain visitors business. “在今天的市场中,许多人趋向于投放铺天盖地的广告,他们声情并茂的吹嘘道:他们的大多数网站将会给访问者带来商业收益。
“Inasmuch as this Church of Christ has been reproached with the crime of fornication and polygamy, we declare that we believe that one man, should have one wife, and one woman but one husband, except in case of death,, when either is at liberty to marry a 『关于这间基督的教会在通奸犯罪和重婚上被指责的事上:我们声明我们相信一个男人应该有一个妻子,一个女人有一个丈夫,除了在死亡或任一方可以再次自由结婚的情况以外。』
“Income inequality and self-reported health in rural China”, to be soon submitted to The Lancet (with Wang Qu). “中国农村收入不平等与自评健康”,已投《经济研究》,等待消息.
“Indeed, neural circuits for laughter exist in very ancient regions of the brain, and ancestral forms of play and laughter existed in other animals eons before we humans came along with our 'ha-ha-has' and verbal repartee,” says Jack Panksepp, a neuroscie 「的确,笑的神经迴路存在于大脑的非常古老区域,传承自久远时代的玩耍和笑声的形式早在我们人类出现『哈哈哈』和口头敏捷应答的很久之前,就存在于其他动物身上,」布林格陵州立大学的神经科学家杰克.潘克塞普如此表示。
“Infertile men can turn to sperm banks for help starting a family. “不晕的人可以向精子库提供精子来帮助建立一个家庭。”
“Initial Analysis of the Systematic Causes of the Existence of Canadian Regionalism”, International Forum, Vol. 19, No. 1, 2002. 《加拿大地方主义经久不衰的机制性原因探析》,载《国际论坛》,2002年第1期。

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