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Conclusion The significant change of hemodynamics in brain suggested that angiospasm or angusty existed in corresponding position of the brain.

Conclusion The method was simple, convenient and accurate for determination of adenosine in Ligia exotica. 论本法 简捷、准确,适用于海蟑螂中腺苷的含量测定。
Conclusion The models with middle concentration Campylobacter Jejuni (CJ-S ) and freund's complete adjuvant are the best. 论 中浓度CJ-S_ 加弗氏完全佐剂免疫小鼠所得模型最佳。
Conclusion The nurses must assess the different slumber status between preoperative and postoperative patients correctly and know the reasons of insomnia, so as to afford the effective nursing measures. 论:护士对手术前后患者失眠状况要有正确的认识,并及时给予有效的护理。
Conclusion The results in the present study indicates that noggin may play a role in the differentiation of neural stem cells in the adult hippocampus, and it promotes the differentiation of neural stem cells in the DG to neuronal fate. 论Noggin对成年海马干细胞的分化有重要作用,内源性Noggin基因的表达可使神经干细胞向神经元方向分化。
Conclusion The serum AFP and free-β-HCG levels of pregnant women are more effective in screening trisome fetus than PAPP-A+free-β-HCG. The serum screening of Down′s syndrome would be a practical method of preventing the congenital defect of fetus. 论血清标记物AFP+freeβHCG筛查三体综合征较PAPPA+freeβHCG好,唐氏综合征血清筛查是预测不良妊娠结局的有效指标,再结合产前诊断对防止先天缺陷有实用价值。
Conclusion The significant change of hemodynamics in brain suggested that angiospasm or angusty existed in corresponding position of the brain. 论小儿偏头痛患儿脑血流动力学发生了明显变化,提示相应部位血管痉挛或狭窄。
Conclusion The splenectomy is benefit for advanced treatment of the patients with Kinnier-Wilson syndrome companied by hypersplenia. 论肝豆状核变性并发脾功能亢进患者脾切除前后的外周血象及骨髓象有明显变化。 脾切除有利于肝豆状核变性患者的进一步治疗。
Conclusion The survival and proliferation of NSCs relies on the concentration of nerve growth factors and N_ supplement. The process of asunder embryonic brain tissue and neurospheres influence the speed and quantity in NSCs' expanding. 论NSCs的存活和分裂依赖于神经生长因子和N添加剂的浓度,胚胎脑组织和神经球分离方法影响NSCs的形成速度和数量。
Conclusion The synthetic banting methed can access health. 论综合减肥方法减肥后能达到健美和健康要求。
Conclusion The treatment with IL- p silenced DCs with anti-CD0L mAb can induce immune tolerance and prolong intestinal allografts survival after transplantation. 论术前输注供体来源的IL- p silenced DC联合CD0L mAb,可在一定程度上抑制小肠移植的排斥反应,诱导受体产生免疫耐受。
Conclusion The ultrastructure characteristics support that the origin of intracranial chondroma is brephic embryonic rest of osteoprogenitor cells in the basicranial periost. 论颅内软骨瘤由不典型的软骨细胞组成,超微结构检查显示其来源于软骨骨膜内残留的骨祖细胞。

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