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If actions speak louder than words then this silent deer never stops talking. His annoying actions will leave you speechless.

If absolutely nothing else, they could probably get quite a lot of the students to like them. 他们有能力做这份工作,这是哈利和霍格沃茨都需要的老师。
If accessing a patent on the Internet were to constitute an infringement, this would go against the fundamental quid pro quo on which patent law is based, Eisenberg contends. 艾森柏格断言,如果在网际网路上储存或取得专利标的就会构成侵权,无异将推翻目前专利法所依循的游戏规则。
If accurate—a big if—this is awful news for the Democrats. 在这种不大的可能性下,如果预测是准确的,民主党形势不妙。
If achieves the result, which mistakes has not to be able again to violate? 若要达成结果,有哪些错误不能再犯?
If action is not taken within the prescribed tome, prosecution can never be taken. 如果在规定时间不起诉,就不能再诉了。
If actions speak louder than words then this silent deer never stops talking. His annoying actions will leave you speechless. 如果行动胜过言语,那么这只安静小鹿可是会滔滔不绝。他的恼人行径会令你哑口无言。
If activated before that stage, they still retain a full set of genes. 如果卵子在这个阶段之前就被活化的话,还是会拥有完整的一套基因。
If actors gain satisfaction , they develop a vested interest in the preservation and functioning of the system. 阎学通教授这样翻译:当行为体获得了满足,他们就在系统中作为既得利益而维持系统的存在并使之运行.
If acupuncture has effects beyond placebo, it is through the physical stimulation and release of the body's natural painkillers. 如果针灸的效果不只是安慰剂,它就是透过物理刺激和体内释放的天然止痛药来达到功效。
If adding substantial weight inside the rim, it's more convenient to remove the grommet strips and/or bumper, use 1/2 inch wide lead tape and punch holes with an awl to accomodate the grommets. 如果要增加比较重,那么卸下避震器和护线管,用1/2宽的避震条贴在拍框内部然后用锥子在避震条上钻孔,使得卸下的护线管可以再安上。
If additional permissions apply only to part of the Program, that part may be used separately under those permissions, but the entire Program remains governed by this License without regard to the additional permissions. 如果附加许可只是对本程序的一部分生效,那麽该部分可以在那些许可下独立使用,但整个程序是在本授权管理下,无论附加许可如何。

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