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Compared with complex titration, the proposed method is simple, rapid, accurate and applicable to the analysis of ranitidine bismuth citrate capsules for quality control.

Compared with alternatives to catalyze economic development, such as government programs or foreign aid and investment, remittances are more accurately targeted to families' needs and more likely to reach the poor. 相较于其他诸如政府计画或外援这些催化经济发展的方式,汇款更能精确针对家人所需,也更可能到达穷人的手中。
Compared with classical Chinese prose, the Europeanized essays seem more natural, familiar and rational; compared with the articles written in old vernacular Chinese, modem essays have got new rhythms and poetic nature. 与传统散文相比,欧化的散文文体亲切自然而富于理性,与旧白话文相比,欧化的散文文体具有现代意义上的诗性。
Compared with common curved cable-stayed bridge, the rigidity and dynamic characteristics of curved double-layer cable-stayed bridge acquire being further improved. 计算结果显示,双层索系曲线斜拉桥方案与普通曲线斜拉桥方案相比,结构的整体刚度和动力性能都得到了改善。
Compared with common interpolation approach, experimental results show smoothness and effectiveness of the proposed method. 通过与常用插值方法的比较实验表明,该方法具有较好的光滑性和预测效果。
Compared with commonly used deterministic methods, the stochastic hydrogeology method is a more rational resort for solving the flow and transport problems in the heterogeneous aquifers. 摘要随机水文地质学方法,较传统的确定性方法而言,是解决非均质含水层中水流和溶质运移问题的一种更为合理的手段。
Compared with complex titration, the proposed method is simple, rapid, accurate and applicable to the analysis of ranitidine bismuth citrate capsules for quality control. 该法简便、快速、结果准确,为枸橼酸铋雷尼替丁胶囊的质量控制提供了可靠依据。
Compared with conventional polyethers, they show wider practicability, stronger tear resistance, better deflection and elongation rate. 与普通聚醚相比,其实用性广,撕裂强度,扰曲性和伸长率等性能的提高尤为突出。
Compared with conventional tracking methods, the detector is a stronger observation model due to its discriminative power gained by training over large data sets, which makes it more adaptive to image changes; meanwhile, this built-in detector also equips 另一方面,与逐帧检测相比,基于检测的跟踪利用了物体运动在时序上的连续性,因此速度更快;且由于时序上检测信息的融合使输出更平滑,降低了误报和漏检。
Compared with conventional two-bath process, the former process features simple operation, good levelness and color fastness, as well as high efficiency and effectiveness. 与常用的两浴法相比,不仅工艺简单、匀染性好、染色牢度好,而且节能、节水、提高生产效率,具有良好的应用前景。
Compared with definition of tax-avoidance in tax economics, the definition of tax-avoidance in theory of tax law sheds light upon the essence of tax-avoidance, so the possibility of tax-avoidance regulating by law which aimed at all kinds of tax-avoidance 摘要与避税的经济学定义相比,避税的税法学定义揭示了避税的本质,为针对所有型态的避税行为的法律规制提供了可能。
Compared with developed countries, the sports industry in China is in small scale, weak foundation and embryonic stage. 摘要与发达国家相比,我国体育产业规模小,基础比较薄弱,目前尚处于萌芽阶段。

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