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Aqp in the spiral limb, vestibular lip, internal and external sulci, basilar membrane and basilar membrane crest, endolymphatic sac and duct, membranous semicircular canal and utricle and saccular macula;
Aqp 在螺旋韧带、前庭唇、内、外螺旋沟、基底膜和基底膜嵴、内淋巴囊和内淋巴管、膜半规管和椭圆囊、球囊斑等处显示荧光染色。

Approach on Swerve Control System for Vertical Launching of Missile 垂直发射导弹转弯控制系统初探
Approach to the Ageing Mechanism of the “Mullite Cordierite” Sagger “莫来石—堇青石质”匣钵老化机理的探讨
Appropriate level of sanitary or phytosanitary protection means the level of protection deemed appropriate by the WTO Member establishing a sanitary or phytosanitary measure to protect human, animal or plant life or health within its territory. 适当的动植物卫生保护水平(Appropriate Level of Protection, ALOP)是指WTO成员为保护其境内人类、动植物的生命或健康而采取动物卫生(Sanitary or Phytosanitary, SPS)措施时,认为适当的保护水平,或可接受的风险水平。
Aprostocetus fukutai is an egg parasitoid of Anoplophora chinensis (Forster) and Apriona germani Hope. 天牛长尾啮小蜂 Aprostocetus fukutai Miwa et Sonan是星天牛 Anoplophora chi-nensis (Forster)、桑天牛 Apriona germani Hope的卵寄生蜂。
Aprotic Liquid Nd Laser 掺钕无机液体激光器的研究进展
Aqp in the spiral limb, vestibular lip, internal and external sulci, basilar membrane and basilar membrane crest, endolymphatic sac and duct, membranous semicircular canal and utricle and saccular macula; Aqp 在螺旋韧带、前庭唇、内、外螺旋沟、基底膜和基底膜嵴、内淋巴囊和内淋巴管、膜半规管和椭圆囊、球囊斑等处显示荧光染色。
Arachnoid cells stimulated by hematic cerebrospinal flood can serve as antigen presenting cells to activate T-lymphocytes 血性脑脊液刺激后蛛网膜细胞激活T淋巴细胞的机制
Arbitrary Dumpage Curses Residents 随意倾倒祸害百姓
Arbitration service is different from lawyer's legal service. 仲裁服务与律师法律服务也存在明显的区别。
Arbutus resins were obtained by heterogeneous graft copolymerhation of polypropylene(PP) with acrylonitrile (AN) and styrene (St). 丙烯腈(AN)—苯乙烯(St)与聚丙烯(PP)非均相接枝共聚,得杨梅形树脂。
Ardisia japonica (Thunb.) 中国和日本植物学界早已确认,Ardisia japonica(Thunb.)

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