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The microscopic appearance of a dermal lymphatic distended by ductal carcinoma of the breast is shown here. This is the hallmark of so-called inflammatory carcinoma of the breast.

The microprocessors can monitor tire wear and brake power on the cars. 这微处理器能监控汽车轮胎磨损和煞车动力的情形。
The microscope consists of a CCD camera, a lense and an integrated light source, that illuminates the sample from below. 显微镜是由一台CCD照相机、一个透镜和集成光源组成的,从样品下面往上照。
The microscope enables small objects to be observed. 显微镜使微小物体能观察到。
The microscope has been modified to accept the SIDC, and is ready to go. 显微镜已经为接收SIDC做了调整,随时可用。
The microscope magnified the object 100 times. 这台显微镜将物体放大了100倍。
The microscopic appearance of a dermal lymphatic distended by ductal carcinoma of the breast is shown here. This is the hallmark of so-called inflammatory carcinoma of the breast. 这里显示了一皮肤淋巴管因乳房导管癌而膨胀的外观。这是所谓的乳房炎性癌的标志。
The microscopic appearance of a leiomyoma indicates that the cells do not vary greatly in size and shape and closely resemble normal smooth muscle cells. 镜下观,平滑肌瘤细胞大小和形态没有很大变化,和正常平滑肌细胞非常相似。
The microscopic appearance of multicystic dysplastic kidney (cystic renal dysplasia, or Potter's type II) is characterized by large cysts lined by flattened cuboidal epithelium and an intervening parenchyma that is fibrotic with islands of bluish cartilag 多囊性发育不良肾(多囊肾发育不良)的显微镜下特点:囊肿较大,内层为扁平立方上皮,受累实质纤维化,内有岛状的蓝色软骨和少量的小球。
The microscopic scanning of the fracture shows that the fracture is not a brittle one, and the qualitative analysis of the inclusions points to the absence of nitrides and carbonitrides in the inclusions. 通过断口的微观扫描及夹杂物定性分析发现,断口未出现脆性断裂的特征以及夹杂物分析未发现有氮化物和碳氮化物存在。
The microsopic structure is the first evidence to get a Pathologic diagnosis. 镜下结构是病理诊断的第一依据。
The microspherules contained trace elements that were markedly distinct from those formed in volcanic blasts. 微球中的微量元素,与火山爆发形成的微球截然不同。

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