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And while those interests converge usefully on some points –antidescrimination, open immigration –they diverge on many others.

And while they fled from before Israel, when they were on the descent of Beth-horon, Jehovah sent large stones upon them from heaven as far as Azekah, and they died. 11他们在以色列人面前逃跑,正在伯和仑下坡的时候,耶和华从天上降大冰雹在他们身上,直降到亚西加,打死他们。
And while they have wealth most only dream of, Rania remains largely unaffected. 虽然他们拥有你只有做梦才想象的到的财富,拉妮雅却不为所动。
And while they stood perplexed about this, behold, two men stood by them in dazzling clothing. 4正为这事猜疑的时候,看哪,有两个人站在她们旁边,穿着闪烁的衣服。
And while they were sailing, He fell asleep. And a windstorm came down upon the lake, and they began to fill with water and were in danger. 23正航行的时候,耶稣睡着了。湖上起了风暴,船就要满了水,甚是危险。
And while this quality has helped Aries get ahead, it can also compromise their relationships. 虽然它有助于白羊座获得成功,但也容易影响与他人的关系。
And while those interests converge usefully on some points –antidescrimination, open immigration –they diverge on many others. 这些利害关系虽然对部分议题看法一致(例如:反歧视、开放移民),却又在其它许多方面意见分歧。
And while today he places great value on the time he has with his family, he is not ready to surrender his life as a poet and grizzled troubadour. 现在的他尽管非常看重与家人相处的时间,却不打算放弃诗人兼浪迹天涯的苍发歌手生活。
And while voice commands alone are powerful, when the subliminal presentation system carries cloned emotional signatures, the result is overwhelming. 并且当声音命令单独时,是强大的,当潜意识描述系统承载了一个克隆的情绪信号,结果是无法抵抗的。
And while we're at it, we could explore why we are paying so much for gas, yet inflation is, at the moment, mild and the economy appears to be humming along—unlike it did in the 1970s, the last time we lived through an oil crisis. 当我们能做到这些时,稳定的经济现象就能够出现——而不至于出现像上世纪70年代那样的危机了,那应该是我们经历的最后一次石油危机。
And while winter pursuits in Switzerland are not limited to skiing and ow boarding, these activities are certainly an important and popular part of the season. 瑞士的冬天不仅仅是滑雪和雪橇,这些活动仍然是冬天重要的和流行的活动。
And while, unbelievably, he still wants to drive race cars, he said he won't go back on the track until he has completely healed from the accident. 令人不可思议的是他仍然念念不忘赛车,他说自己直到完全康复才会重返赛车场。

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