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Although Dragoon was defeated, the difference between Dark and Light crystals remained.

Although Chrysler had dramatically improved its designs and production lines, it failed to predict the fashions of the forecourt. 尽管克莱斯勒大大改进了设计和生产线,却未能正确预测市场前沿的流行趋势。
Although Churchill's life mainly is engaged in the political activity, but his historical writings and the biographical literature writing achievement is also outstanding. 丘吉尔的一生虽主要从事政治活动,但他的历史著述和传记文学写作也成就卓著。
Although Del Horno's injury will be a big blow to Mourinho, he had better news with Frank Lampard's display. 尽管德尔奥尔诺的伤病对穆里尼奥来说是个很大的打击,但兰帕德的表现对他却是个好消息。
Although Dido was famous for Stan, she doesn't like Hipa, instead, her music is very soft, peaceful, every song will tell you a nice story. 尽管黛朵是靠著《斯坦》成名的,但是她幷不喜欢饶舌音乐,恰恰相反,她的音乐非常柔软、宁静,每首歌都会向你讲述一个唯美的故事。
Although Dr Roaf's roof is unusual in Britain, one day we may all be like her: elctricity companies will pay us and whole cities may become self-sustaining power generators. 虽然罗芙博士设计的屋顶在英国并不常见,但有朝一日我们都可以像她那样:电力公司将付款给我们,而且整个城市会变成能自给电力的发电机。
Although Dragoon was defeated, the difference between Dark and Light crystals remained. 虽然巨龙后来被击败了,但是黑暗与光明的水晶却遗留了下来。
Although Durex condoms are now ready for packaging, they will not reach that stage until they have undergone a series of five stringent tests. 虽然杜蕾斯安全套已经可以进行包装,但在包装之前,它们需再接受五项严格的测试。
Although Edison did not actually invent the light bulb, he did create an electric lighting system which led to its widespread use. 虽然爱迪生实际上并没有发明灯泡,但他的确发明了电灯照明系统,这导致了灯泡的广泛使用。
Although Everest now sees many a human footprint, the Sherpas still regard the mountain as a holy place. 尽管埃佛勒斯峰如今已印上了不少人类的足迹,夏尔巴人仍把这座山峰视为一个神圣的地方。
Although Fallen seek to congregate together, so far only small encampments have been found, with no obvious overall organization. 虽然沉沦魔总是集体行动,但是目前为止只有小型的营地被发现,而且没有很明显的组织。
Although Fidel has not appeared at a public event since stepping down, he has been seen on television talking to visiting dignitaries, and appears to be recovering from whatever it was that ailed him (officially a state secret, though believed to be diver 尽管菲德尔自从下台之后便没有在公共场合露面,但人们却看到他仍在电视直播中与来访的高官权贵进行谈话,并且可以看到他已经从所推测病症中恢复过来(到底得的是什么病还是一个国家秘密,但可以认为是憩室炎-一种肠道失调病症)。

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