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Discovery undocked from the orbiting scientific outpost after re-stocking the space station, repairing its equipment and haul away trash.

Discovers suddenly, my eye perspired! 忽然发现,我的眼睛出汗了!
Discovers the oneself's a person ising that so suddenly unpopular! 忽然发现自己一个人是那样的不合时宜!
Discovery has a July 1st launch date. 发现号航天飞机已定于7月1日发射。
Discovery marked the resumption of the space shuttle program after it was grounded following the Columbia disaster two-and-half years ago. “发现号”标志着宇宙飞行船项目在两年半前因“哥伦比亚号”悲剧搁浅后的重新开始。
Discovery of the immune synapse and its ongoing exploration has been made possible by new high-resolution microscopy techniques and computer enhancement of older imaging methods. 新的高解析显微技术以及经过电脑强化的旧显影技术,促成了免疫突触的发现以及持续进行的研究探索。
Discovery undocked from the orbiting scientific outpost after re-stocking the space station, repairing its equipment and haul away trash. 在为空间站完成补给、为其修理装备和搬运废弃物之后,“发现号”从精确的轨道基地出坞。
Discovery will return to its Florida launch site in about one week attached to the back of a jumbo jet airliner. 发现号将在一周后绑在一架大型喷气式客机后面,返回到佛罗里达发射中心。
Discovery's astronauts arrived to a rousing celebration Wednesday as nearly 700 people crowded an airplane hangar , waving flags and holding signs that read: Welcome Home, Astronauts! 本周三(8月10日),“发现”号宇航员前往休斯顿参加一个热烈的庆典活动,现场有将近700人聚集在飞机修理库里,他们摇着小旗子,举着写有“宇航员们,欢迎回家!”字样的标志牌。
Discovery's astronauts arrived to a rousing celebration Wednesday as nearly 700 people crowded an airplane hangar, waving flags and holding signs that read: Welcome Home, Astronauts! 本周三,“发现”号宇航员前往休斯顿参加一个热烈的庆典活动,现场有将近700人聚集在飞机修理库里,他们摇着小旗子,举着写有“宇航员们,欢迎回家!”字样的标志牌。
Discovery's crews spent their day using sensitive cameras to check for signs of damage from the launch. 发现号的船员用敏感照相机检查启动毁坏迹象。
Discovery's launch was delayed for two weeks while engineers searched for the cause of an elusive problem with one of its hydrogen fuel-level sensors during the first launch attempt on July 13. “发现”号原定于7月13日发射,但是由于其中一个液氢燃料传感器发生故障,工程师花费了两个星期来寻找造成这个难题的原因,“发现”号也不得不推迟至本周二发射。

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