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Look at the behemoth, which I made along with you and which feeds on grass like an ox.

Longxing Btangelectric garment front knitting machines (inkle loom) are suitable for knitting the front of knitting garments (jerkins). it can also knit the scarves and knitting belts made of wool, rabbit hair, synthetic fiber etc. “龙星牌”电动门襟机(织带机),适用于编织针织服装(开衫)的门襟,也可以用于编织羊毛,兔毛,晴纶等绒线的围巾及针织带。
Look around, He said. Do you see the fern and the bamboo? 看看你的的四周祂说你看到羊齿和竹子没有?
Look at me! I'm sweet and lovable! 看着我!我很甜蜜可爱!
Look at me, and be astonished, And put your hand over your mouth. 伯21:5你们要看著我而惊奇、用手捂口。
Look at that garbage in the water,said Jill. That's what's polluting the lake. 「看看水里的垃圾,」吉尔说。「那就是污染湖水的东西。」
Look at the behemoth, which I made along with you and which feeds on grass like an ox. 15你且观看河马.我造你也造他.他吃草与牛一样。
Look at the time of game,Torre said. It didn't take long, our at-bats. 「你看看时钟,」托瑞说:「我们在打席上根本没花多少时间。」
Look at this sinking,he said, surveying the sloping, tilted farmland. Two years ago this land was flat. Now look at it. 看看这些裂缝,他指着四分五裂、高低不平的土地说:二年前,这块地还是平的。可是现在,你看它是什么样。
Look into the history, war between Japan and China breaks out every 100 years. It is just a matter of time and scale,Lu said. 卢云飞接着说到:“走进历史,你会发现中日之间大约每100年会爆发一次战争,只是时间和规模的问题。”
Look over there,Rick said. 瑞克说:「看那边。」
Look up, boy! Can't you look up? “抬起头来,孩子!你就不能抬起头来吗?”

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