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The company is hoping to avoid redundancy and reduce its staff by natural wastage .

The company is founded 1994, via more than 10 years of arouse one's all efforts to make the country prosperous, already developed now become have presswork the company of group of modern share-holding system of 5 subsidiary such as plant of factory, box b 公司创建于一九九四年,经十余年励精图治,现已发展成为拥有印刷厂、箱包制品厂、金属制品厂、塑料制品厂和眼镜厂等5家子公司的现代化股份制集团公司。
The company is going through a difficult time and it is really eating away at the young manager. 公司正处于困难时期,这位年轻的经理寝食难安。
The company is had the honor to win early or late lukewarm state city is light industrial industry 100 strong companies , exit of Wen Zhou city is achieved collect advanced unit , industry of garment of Wen Zhou city highlights contributive company , fina 公司先后荣获“温州市轻工行业百强企业”、“温州市出口创汇先进单位”、“温州市服装行业突出贡献企业”、“温州市资信百佳企业”、“2006年温州市创建信用企业先进单位”、“温州市鹿城区2006年工业产品销售收入50强企业排序第29名”等荣誉称号;企业法人徐云旭分别获得“温州市优秀青年企业家特别荣誉奖”、“中国百名杰出女企业家”、“中国经济百名杰出人物”、“2005温州民营经济十大年度人物”、“2005中国十大经济女性年度人物提名奖”、“2005中国经济女性年度杰出贡献人物”、“世界华人女性精英金奖”荣誉称号。
The company is headquartered in Copenhagen (Denmark) and has branches all over the world. 公司总部在丹麦的哥本哈根,并在世界各地均设有分支机构。
The company is headquartered in Shenzhen Hi-Tech Industrial Park in China and has design and development facility in USA. 瑞斯康微电子目前总部设在深圳市高新科技园内,并在美国设有分支机构。
The company is hoping to avoid redundancy and reduce its staff by natural wastage . 公司不希望裁减职工而希望通过正常的减员来减少其职工。
The company is hoping to avoid redundancy and reduce its staff by natural wastage. 公司不希望裁减职工而希望通过正常的减员来减少其职工。
The company is in a poor financial situation, eg is losing money. 这个公司财政困难,比如金钱损失。
The company is in a poor financial situation. 该公司经济状况艰难。
The company is in a poor financial situation. 公司财务状况不佳。
The company is in accordance with distribution and the use circumstances of our country electric energy at present, and trade and technical cooperation is acted on behalf of in sincere district at present, and looks over the enterprise of fixed force deve 公司针对目前我国电能的分布和使用情况,现诚招地区代理商和技术合作,望有一定势力的企业和个人和我厂共同开发太阳能资源。

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