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In accordance with Article 7 of the Basic Law, the HKSAR is responsible for the management, use and development of land and for the leasing or granting to individuals, legal persons or organisations that land for use or development.

In accepting Your Excellency's gracious invitation to this great city, I have got an excellent opportunity to convey to you and to the people of Shanghai the warm greetings and sincere good wishes of the government and people of my town. 我接受阁下的盛情邀请,来访问这座伟大的城市,这使我有极好的机会向阁下和上海人民转达我市政府和人民的热烈问候以及诚挚的良好祝愿。
In accepting a friend`s gift,be it a carriage or a horse,excepting sacrificial meat,he would not prostrate himself. 朋友去世,没人料理后事,他说,“让我们来办理丧事吧。”朋友的馈赠,即使是车辆马匹,只要不是祭肉他就不行拜谢礼。
In accordance to Decision by the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party on Strengthening the Governing Capability of the Party, the party committees of university should try to promote their capabilities in entirely controlling and macro decisio 按照《中共中央关于加强党的执政能力建设的决定》的要求,高校党委应当努力提高总揽全局、宏观决策的能力,促进社会主义文化发展的能力,基层党组织建设的能力和统筹协调、科学管理的能力。
In accordance to the operational guidelines of quarantine, any goods brought with patients are forbidden to be removed out of quarantine areas, including their medical record. 按照医院的隔离操作规程,患者带来的任何物品都不能离开污染区,包括转来的病历。
In accordance with (Weiyang Flavor Pastry 500 Genres), classification of statistics is carried out from the following eight aspects, raw material type, dough type, shape skill, cooking method, color type, pastry sapor, pastry shape and taste, and quantita 摘要以《维扬风味面点五百种》为依据,从面点的原料类型、面团类型、成形技法、成熟方法、色彩类型、面点味型、面点形态、口感类型等八个方面进行分类统计,通过量化分析总结了维扬风味面点的主要特色。
In accordance with Article 7 of the Basic Law, the HKSAR is responsible for the management, use and development of land and for the leasing or granting to individuals, legal persons or organisations that land for use or development. 根据《基本法》第七条,香港特区境内的土地由特区政府负责管理、使用、开发、出租或批给个人、法人或团体使用或开发。
In accordance with China′s legislative and judicial practice, the effective adjudication is definitely bound to the litigant parties, which is generally considered as the character of the privity of adjudication effect. 依据我国的立法与司法实践,生效法院裁判的效力对诉讼当事人有当然效力,这就是通常所说的法院裁判效力的相对性特征。
In accordance with Grice's cooperative principle and maxims, in Early Modem English can be identified conditionals of Speaker-correctness, Evidence, Quantity, Relevance, Metalinguistic Comment, Addressee-cooperation, and Politeness. 根据会话原则和准则,在早期现代英语里可以识别出说话人正确条件句、证据条件句、数量条件句、相关条件句、元语言条件句、称谓对象合作条件句和礼貌条件句。
In accordance with Provisional Regulations and these Rules, competent authorities or units charged with the administration of interconnected units shall formulate rules on the administration of interconnected networks which shall be reported to Leading Gr 各互联单位主管部门或者主管单位根据《暂行规定》和本办法制定互联网络管理办法,报国务院信息化工作领导小组备案。
In accordance with coal sample observation by scanning electron microscope (SEM) and researches based on such subjects as anthracology, tectonic geology and material mechanics, the endokinetic fractures in coal are further classified into dewatering fract 摘要分析、归纳了大量的扫描电子显微镜观测结果,以煤岩学、构造地质学研究爲基拙,依锯煤中显微裂隙的形态、大小、排列组合等发育特征,将内生裂隙进一步划分爲失水裂隙、缩聚裂隙、静压裂隙,将外生裂隙进一步划分爲张性裂隙、压性裂隙、剪性裂隙、松弛裂隙。
In accordance with his suggestion, the procedure has been greatly simplified. 按照他的建议,手续已经大大简化。

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