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In the construction industry there has always been a mismatch between the research investment and construction expenditure and this has lead the industry to proceed on a scale with an inadequate understanding of many aspects of construction, such as, dete

In the conflict between Cronus and Jupiter, Prometheus had adopted the cause of the Olympian deities. 在克洛诺斯反对朱庇特的斗争中,普罗米修斯站到了奥林波斯山诸神的一边。
In the conflicts of modern culture, the national customary law must make a choice, as is a trend of passing down and solidifying or developing the useful and discarding the useless. 在现代文化的涤荡中,民族习惯法必然要做出选择,那就是传承与固化、扬弃与剥离的发展走势。
In the conization specimens that showed a positive margin, residual lesions were found in 84 out of 150 (56%) and 53 out of 80(66%) in subsequent hysterectomy in the LEEP and CKC groups respectively. 至于在锥状切片检体边缘有病变组织以及子宫残馀的病变组织机率则和子宫颈上皮病变的程度或是否已经出现显微侵犯无关。
In the connection mode of distributed power supply and medium voltage double-looped network, the configuration of relay protection and safety automatic devices is analyzed, and the detailed cooperating relationship among current instantaneous break, over- 摘要在分散式供电、中压双环网接线方式下,对继电保护和安全自动装置的设置进行分析,并说明电流速断、过电流和备自投装置的具体配合关系。
In the constant growth today and the future, we in the spirit of striving for the top brand, and building services throughout the purposes and people-oriented, the concept of excellence, innovation and an enterprising spirit, with the customer sincere coo 在不断成长的今天和未来,我们本着争创一流品牌,打造全程服务的宗旨和以人为本,精益求精的理念,不断创新,勇于进取,与广大客户真诚合作,互惠互利、共同创造一个“让三妮走向世界,让世界共享三妮”的美好明天。
In the construction industry there has always been a mismatch between the research investment and construction expenditure and this has lead the industry to proceed on a scale with an inadequate understanding of many aspects of construction, such as, dete 随着我国经济高速发展,人们生活水平的不断提高,装修行业蓬勃发展,其中建筑外墙装饰、翻新占有重要的位置,这是因为建筑外墙从外观上要求耐用,常新,漂亮,与周围环境协调,符合美感.随着建筑物长年使用,建筑物外墙受到阳光照射,大气污染,酸雨侵蚀,逐渐变得陈旧,质量也不断下降,从使用功能,安全角度来看,翻新工作变得十分重要.
In the construction of a multi-polar world, however, Asia is used as a geopolitical concept. 而在当代艺术的领域内,亚洲则是一个复杂多元的空间。
In the construction of digital libraries, using OSS is a good way to take hold of the key software development technology, bring software to maturity and reduce the corresponding expenditure and strength the cooperation among libraries. 在图书馆建设中应用开源软件有利于图书馆员掌握软件开发的核心技术,并促进软件的逐步成熟,同时能降低相关费用,加强图书馆之间的合作。
In the construction of innovation-oriented country, in order to promote higher education development, our country not only release government authorities but also avoiding from excessive loss of government authorities. 摘要在创新型国家建设中,我国政府既要通过权利下放促进高等教育发展的自主创新,又要避免政府权威的过度流失而可能引致的高等教育发展偏离创新型国家建设的需求。
In the construction of the Tanghe Inverted Siphon on Mid-roule of South-to-North Water Transfer Project, some reliable construction processes and techniques are applied such as belt conveyor with three-rail gantry, construction with combined steel formwor 摘要南水北调中线唐河倒虹吸工程项目施工中,根据工程特点,采用了三轨门架式皮带布料机、钢模板联体施工、钢筋滚压直螺纹套筒连接、混凝土施工缝栽石法等可靠的施工技术和施工工艺,取得了较好的效果。
In the construction of the real-time monitoring system for industrial control source, the design of the real-time database is introduced. 摘要文章介绍了在面向工业控制过程的实时监控系统建设中,实时数据库系统的设计。

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