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Accelerate development of the state level “Sci-tech Industrial Park for TCM Modernization.

Acce to the prison was cut off late Thursday, with security forces blocking cars and motorcycles on surrounding roads. 通往监狱的道路星期三晚些时候就封锁了,安全部队封锁了附近道路上汽车和摩托车的通行路线。
Accelerate bowel's motivity ,restrain costive caused by nerve system. 增加肠胃动力,改善神经及肌体状况引起的便秘。
Accelerate cells reproduce, soften skin ,keep the skin wet and whiten . 促进细胞活跃再生,柔软肌肤表层,补充水分,滋养美白,令肌肤亮泽而富有弹性。
Accelerate circulation of blood, clear away toxin and swell. 促进血液和淋巴循环,排毒、排水、消肿。
Accelerate circulation, tighten skin and body. Keep young. 促进循环,有效收紧肌肤,提升塑形,延缓老化。
Accelerate development of the state level “Sci-tech Industrial Park for TCM Modernization. 加快建设国家级“中药现代化科技产业园”。
Accelerate development with a core set of pre-built, customizable components for common application interfaces, including scrollbars, rich text fields, input buttons, radio buttons, check boxes, and list and combo boxes. 利用内建的、可订制的常用组件可以加速开发。其中包括:滚动条、文本框、按钮、单选框、复选框和下拉菜单。
Accelerate programs to protect its satellites against ASAT weapons of all kinds, including lasers. 加速克制反卫星武器的计划来保护卫星,包括激光武器计划。
Accelerate speeds - download a file from several servers at once. 加快下载速度:同时从多个网路伺服器下载单一档案。
Accelerate the realization of localization of design and manufacturing of whole set equipment for large panel hot/cold tandem rolling and deep processing equipment and upgrade the whole set technological equipment manufacturing capacity. 加快实现大型板材冷热连轧成套设备及精深加工的设计制造国产化,提高成套技术装备的总包能力。
Accelerated development of information and communication's technologies, the cord katalyst for information revolution is having an increase impact on virtually all aspects of academic activity and social structures. 作为信息革命核心催化剂的信息技术和通信技术,其加速发展正在对经济活动和社会结构的几乎所有方面产生越来越大的影响。

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