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Here, we present two cases of postpartum hemorrhage due to placenta previa which were successfully treated with gauze packing thus avoiding a hysterectomy.

Here, we bring forth the patient's postoperative events, such as delayed emergence, postoperative convulsions, pneumocephalus, and probable causes of the neurologic deficits for discussion. 在此,我们探讨这位病人术后的情况,例如:迟缓苏醒,术后癫痫,气脑症,及神经功能缺损的可能原因。
Here, we demonstrate on-line, real-time tryptic digestion in conjunction with reversed-phase protein separation. 这里,我们证明了与反相蛋白分离相结合的在线、实时胰蛋白酶解方法。
Here, we get a proper glimpse of Wild Man. 这就是前面从镜子里看见的那个“野人”。
Here, we must think carefully. 在这个问题上,我们必须仔细思考。
Here, we present a case of coronary artery giant cell arteritis in a 51-year-old woman who complained of atypical chest pain. 发生在冠状动脉的巨细胞动脉炎,并且造成心肌梗塞的病例实在是很罕见。
Here, we present two cases of postpartum hemorrhage due to placenta previa which were successfully treated with gauze packing thus avoiding a hysterectomy. 在此我们以纱布卷填充子宫的方式治疗前置胎盘个案于生产后发生子宫收缩不良之产后大出血,希望能提供产后大出血的另一种治疗之选择。
Here, we provide a systems-oriented approach to interpreting the function of the dopamine system, its modulation of limbic-cortical interactions and how disruptions within this system might underlie the pathophysiology of schizophrenia and drug abuse. 我们提供了一种系统的方法解释说明多巴胺功能系统,它与边缘叶皮质系统调制的交互作用,以及这一系统的破坏是如何引起精神分裂症和吸毒成瘾患者病理生理学改变的。
Here, we report a 20-year-old man sustaining major liver laceration with contrast extravasation and massive hemoperitoneum. 我们在此报告一位20岁男性外伤病例,患重大肝脏裂伤,合并显影剂滞留及大量腹膜腔出血。
Here, we report a 22-year-old male patient who suffered chest trauma from an automobile accident. 我们报告一位二十二岁年轻男性在一场车辆当中遭受胸部挫伤。
Here, we report two recent cases of eosinophilic peritonitis at our hospital. 本篇文章探讨本院最近半年内出现的两个嗜伊红性腹膜炎病例。
Here, we reported three cases of hypothyroidism co-existed with SLE. 在这里我们报告三个甲状腺功能低下症与全身性红斑狼疮共存的病例。

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