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(our lmperial moon cake box was desighned so you can create you own beautiful traditional picture as a reminder of Mid-Autumn day 2007 .Picture frame and all items required can be purchased at the hotel for 60RMB.

(including, without limitation, indebtedness owing by Seller to third parties who have granted Buyer a security interest in the accounts, chattel paper and general intangibles of said third party; and further including, without limitation, any and all att 这里的术语“负债”“债务”(以下一并简称为债务)应按照各自最广泛的含义被使用,债务包括卖方先前、现在和今后,基于自愿或非自愿发生的所有预付款、负债、债务和责任,不论债务如何产生,(包括但不限于,卖方对已用自己的帐户、动产文书或一般无体物向买方提供担保利益的第三方之负债,并进而包括但不限于,卖方在协议等项下欠付买方的全部律师费、支出、费用、保险费、运费和利息),不论债务是否已经到期、是否必然发生、是否已清算、是否已决,不论卖方是单独或与他人连带承担责任,不论债务的追偿是否已经或将会受到时效法的阻碍,也不论债
(infml) the highest or most successfull level in a profession, etc, especially in show business. (口语)某一职业等的第一流的状态,最高水平,尤其指演艺术事业。
(k) Vessels shall be deemed to be in sight of one another only when one can be observed visually from the other. 只有当一船能视觉看到另一船时,才应认为两船是互见中。
(lack of public perception of credibility, particularly in areas of detail. 第一个问题:尤其在一些细节处,缺少公众对其可靠性的认同。
(laughs)Tell me, do you think this is scary? (笑声)告诉我,你们认为这可怕吗?
(our lmperial moon cake box was desighned so you can create you own beautiful traditional picture as a reminder of Mid-Autumn day 2007 .Picture frame and all items required can be purchased at the hotel for 60RMB. 礼盒子正面为精致的丝绣效果画,配上画框将是一幅精美的装饰画,雷迪森特别定罐制了优质木质画框,售价为60元。)
(produce PUpaper,Paint paper,Polyster paper,High(low)-pressed Melamine Paper and Reinforced floor paper etc. pu纸;油漆纸;三聚氰胺纸;宝丽纸;各种木纹纸。
(rent home)This did not prove easy. 租房不是一件简单的事情。
(story) A particular wall in the square proved to be an attention-getter. 广场上有一堵墙很特别,颇受众人关注。
(that world rain, can however i leave you so near, let me feel a burst of and difficult to express heart palpitates, i think that you be beauty that that girl who i want to wait for, can i do not know and should how vindicate to you, i frightened brush-of 那天下着雨,可我却离你那么的近,让我感觉到一阵莫名的心跳,我想你就是我要等待的那个女孩,可我不知道怎么该向你表白,我害怕拒绝,因为你是那样的温柔,那样的美丽,每天醒来时,总是想到你的美。
(this town will be locked up in snow and ice all winter . 整个冬天,这个镇都会被冰雪所围困。

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