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[Abstract]: American Marketing Association (AMA) defines advertising as “the non-personal communication of information usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature about products, services or ideas by identified sponsors through the various media.” T

[Abstract] The effect of water quality by sulfide leakage are analyzed.it is pointed how to control the corrupted in the system of the circuling water ,aiming at the sequela by sulfide leakage,the principle of the medicament are put forward. 3在硫化物泄漏时,水稳剂抗污染性能显得有尤为重要,因此在对水稳剂生产厂家招投标时,可增加水稳剂在硫化物、氨泄漏时的动态模拟实验,从而促进水稳剂生产厂家的抗污染药剂的研究开发。
[Abstract] The legal right to terminate (avoid) contracts is a remedy for breach of contract provided by laws available by the non-breaching party when it suffers great losses due to the breach. 合同法定解除权是法律赋予非违约方在其自身利益遭受违约方行为严重损害时得以采取的一种违约救济措施。
[Abstract] This article uses ethnography and conversation analysis to pinpoint what “goes wrong” when certain so-called street people “harass” passersby. 本文使用民族志和交谈分析工具来探查一些所谓的由贫民窟居民引发的烦恼其问题出在哪里。
[Abstract] With the high-speed network technology development, the number of Internet users continues to increase. The Internet has already become our life an important component. 随着网络技术的高速发展,网民数量的不断增加,互联网已经成了我们生活中的一个重要组成部分。
[Abstract]: 19th century Germany renowned education reformer William * Hong Bao the leader Prussia educational institution has carried on the education reform, has formed the one whole set brand-new humanism philosophy of education. :十九世纪德国著名的教育改革家威廉*洪堡领导普鲁士教育机构进行了教育改革,形成了一整套全新的人文主义教育哲学。
[Abstract]: American Marketing Association (AMA) defines advertising as “the non-personal communication of information usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature about products, services or ideas by identified sponsors through the various media.” T 摘要:美国贸易组织(AMA)把广告定义为本质上是由有眼光的赞助商举办的并通过不同媒体传播的关于产品、服务和理念的需付费和有说服力的非个人信息交流。
[Abstract]Based on relate literature about the study on anti-aging efficacy of tuber fleeceflower root in recent years, the article summarized the study progress of the anti-aging mechanism of tuber fleeceflower root from cleaning free radical, repairing 文章参考了近年来何首乌抗衰老的有关文献,从清除自由基、修复损伤的基因、增强机体免疫功能、延缓细胞衰老等方面综述了在其抗衰老作用机制研究方面的进展。
[Abstract]Based on summarization of Chinese medicine literature in recent 20 years, the article expounded the wide application of Guizhi Decoction and experimental study progress, and gave some suggestion to the mechanism and experimental study methods. 收集近20年来中医药文献,对桂枝汤在临床中的广泛应用及实验研究进展进行了综术,并对其作用机理及其实验研究方法提出了看法。
[Abstract]The Astragalus, largehead atractylodes rhizome, Chinese thorowax root, Chinese angelica and dan-shen root in Yiqimingmu Pills were identified by thin-layer chromatography. 采用薄层色谱法对益气明目丸中黄芪、白术、柴胡、当归、丹参进行了定性鉴别,结果表明,本法简便、快速、准确可靠。
[Abstract]The article discussed the industrialization on the traditional Chinese medicine from nine lines, including integration the scientist, industry, agriculture and trade, specialize the talented man, standardization the scientific research and devel 文章从9个方面对中药产业化进行了初步探讨,提出了实现中药产业化的“九化”思路,即:科工农贸一体化,人才队伍专业化,科研开发标准化,中药生产规模化,中药产品名牌化,中药贸易国际化,运作主体企业化,扶持政策优惠化,产业目标现代化。
[Abstract]The article recommended the implication and source of Complex Decoction and the theory basement for the treatment of cancer, specific contents and methods, such as reducing toxin and anti-cancer, resolving phlegm and dissipating a mass, promotin 文章介绍了复法大方的含义与溯源,用于癌肿的理论基础,具体内容与方法(解毒抗癌法、化痰散结法、活血化瘀法、疏理气机法、化湿泄浊法、扶正培本法)等。

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