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In our parthenogenesis experiments, we exposed 22 eggs to chemicals that changed the concentration of charged atoms called ions inside the cells.

In our opinion their scientific and practical value may be used as a source of actual information for determination of the sexual cycle stage and of the optimization of the time for insemination. 经研究认为它们的科学和实践价值在于可以根据它们反馈的真实信息判定发情周期和受精的最佳时间。
In our opinion, these trees must be cut down at once. 在我看来,这些树应该立刻砍掉。
In our own Milky Way, which is quite typical of nearby, massive spiral galaxies, the number of observed high-mass stars indicates that stars are forming at a rate of a few solar masses a year. 银河系可说是我们周遭大质量螺旋星系的典型,根据观测到的大质量恒星数目判断,银河系的恒星形成率为每年数个太阳质量。
In our own line of business, one might argue that there isn't much of a cover to judge. 在我们的商业这一线上,有人可能争辩说没有太多象封面这样可以直接判断的东西。
In our own time, the Russians built the Berlin Wall to keep their subjects in; for more than two thousand years the Chinese maintained the Great Wall to keep invaders out. 在我们的时代里,俄国人建立柏林墙是为了把国民限制在界内;中国人所建的长城两千多年来是为了把入侵者限制在界外。
In our parthenogenesis experiments, we exposed 22 eggs to chemicals that changed the concentration of charged atoms called ions inside the cells. 在我们的孤雌生殖实验当中,我们把22颗卵子养在可改变细胞内离子浓度的化学药剂里。
In our personal lives, if we do not develop our own self-awareness and become responsible for first creations, we empower other people and circumstances to shape our lives by default. 在我们的个人生活中,如果我们不开发自我意识,不对第一种创造负责,我们就会让别人和环境错误地改变我们的人生。
In our play we reveal what kind of people we are! 现在啊,什么东东要的就是最贵的,不是最好的!
In our quiet time we have to pray to our Father which is in secret. 在我们安静的时候,我们祷告我们在暗中的父,在那里“他将我们藏在他帐幕的隐密处。”
In our salons, you can freely practice your oral English with friends and strangers and you can turn strangers to friends and learn a lot from others. 在英语沙龙上,您可以自由地和朋友或陌生人进行口语沟通,并且您可以结交许多优秀的朋友和学习伙伴。
In our school there are twenty-five English teachers in all. 我们学校总共有25位英语教师。

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