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He landed safely by parachute near a village in Russia.

He lamented that his 10 years in office had witnessed little progress in resolving the planet's most pressing problems. 他惋惜在任十年间,已目睹的在解决全球最紧迫问题上进展甚微。
He landed a few punches on the Democrats in general and Hillary Clinton (“fatally flawed”) in particular. 他数度抨击了民主党整体和希拉里(“存在致命的缺点”)个人。
He landed a job in a large American corporation. 他在一家美国大公司谋得一职。
He landed awkwardly in traffic and limped off the floor with an apparent left ankle injury. 他在着地时为把握好平衡度,直接摔在了地板上,伤到了自己的左脚裸。
He landed in the dry, warm grass and there he lay gasping for air, unable to breathe or to move.“Help,”he groaned feebly. 他跌进了干燥温暖的草丛中,躺在那儿直喘气,既不能呼吸,也不能移动。“救命,”他气息奄奄地呻吟着。
He landed safely by parachute near a village in Russia. 乘降落伞在俄罗斯的一个村庄附近安全着陆。
He lapped one plate over another. 他把一个个盘子叠起来。
He larded the duck with pig fat to make it tasty. 他给鸭肉加了点猪油使它美味可口。
He lashed at his rival for dishonesty. 他严厉斥责对手的欺诈行为。
He lashed out at the opposition's policies. 他猛烈抨击反对派的政策。
He lashed the vice of the time. 他抨击当代罪恶。

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