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According to the results of reservoir heterogeneity research, the enrichment regions of remaining oil distribution are stated and new sidetrack wells are proposed.

According to the results from calculation by theory equation, the Beijing city is divided into four zones based on radon geological potential. 理论计算结果表明,北京市区氡的地质潜势分为四个不同的区,不同潜势区中室内氡浓度水平发生相应变化。
According to the results from many well-done studies of domestic and international authoritative institutions on relationship of PM10 and health impact, our research identified the Exposure-Response functions in terms of acute and chronic effects associat 摘要根据近年来国内外权威机构在可吸入颗粒物与健康效应关系上的研究成果,确定了单位污染物的增减与急慢性健康效应之间的暴露-反应函数关系。
According to the results of a na tionwide investigation, careless driving is the main cause of road accidents, If we rein force the traffic security education and the implementation of traffic laws and roles, I be lieve one day traffic accidents will not 根据全国调查结果,粗心驾驶是交通事故的主要原因,如果我们加强交通安全教育,实施交通法规,我相信有一天交通事故就不会再烦恼人们。
According to the results of antibiotic and Chinese herb sensitive experiment to isolate, screened the high sensitivity herb and composed Changjunqing powder, the clinic control test results showed the effectiveness level was 88.9%. 根据抗生素及中药对分离菌的药敏试验结果,筛选出敏感中药并组方研制出“肠菌清散剂”进行临床防治试验,总有效率为88.9%。
According to the results of close-test and open-test on the corpus of 500,000 Chinese characters, the accuracy of multi-category words' part-of-speech tagging can be increased by 11.32% and 5.97% respectively. 分别对50万汉语语料做封闭测试和开放测试,结果显示,校对后语料的兼类词词性标注正确率分别可提高11.32%和5.97%。
According to the results of reservoir heterogeneity research, the enrichment regions of remaining oil distribution are stated and new sidetrack wells are proposed. 根据储层非均质性的综合研究成果,指出了剩余油潜力区;在潜力区部署的侧钻井生产情况较好,研究成果得到了验证。
According to the results, a positive correlation between radon concentration and pressure, relative humidity, and a negative correlation between temperature were appeared. 结果表明,该室内空气中氡浓度的变化规律与气压、相对湿度成正相关,与温度成负相关。
According to the results, students have the best accuracy of word recognition when the Chinese character has a different pronunciation than the phonetic component and have the worst accuracy of word recognition when the Chinese character has the same pron 依据此研究之发现,教师对学生在造字原则上的发展有一初步了解,并可依据这些发现,进一步发展出适当的教学方法或课程,以期促进学生的识字能力发展。
According to the results, the author put forth the theory of Canal System of the Meniscus, and consequently the theory of Synovial Fluid Propulsion System, through which the menisci gained the nutrition. 因此,据此实验结果提出“半月板管道系统”理论,进而提出半月板营养获得的“滑液推动系统”理论。
According to the results, the pot experiment was carried out by the Soil and Fertilizer Institute, CAAS in greenhouse. 根据这一结果,在中国农科院土肥所的温室中进行了盆栽试验。
According to the retirement pension balance model based on the national life tables, the retirement paper analyzes relative factors affecting the retirement pension balance on the background of the new policies. 摘要根据《全国人口生命表》和2005年颁发的《国务院关于完善企业职工基本养老保险制度的决定》,建立了养老保险基金收支平衡模型,分析了在新政策的背景下,各相关因素对基金收支平衡的影响。

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