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All joking apart, we should set to work immediately.

All item enchantment type powers should now work without having to identify the item. 所有物品魔化类技能现在可以使用在未鉴定物品上了。
All items within the same carton are to be individually wrapped and have polystyrene or equivalent packaging material between pieces to avoid any damage to other components within the carton. 所有的款如果用同样的纸箱包装要单独缠好,中间要用东西隔开,以避免纸箱里东西的碰撞.
All items, components, or parts replaced under this warranty shall become the property of Tipper Tie, Inc. 依本条款汰换的产品、元件或部件皆为本公司的财产。
All its passion of comradeship among Allies, of retribution upon the common foe dominated our minds. 而同盟国之间的战友情谊以及对于共同敌人的复仇情绪,支配了我们的全部思想。
All its stock in trade is glossy paper backs. 该店的全部现货是光面的平装书。
All joking apart, we should set to work immediately. 说正经的,我们得立即开始工作。
All joking aside, he's a good husband. 说真的,他确实是个好丈夫。
All journal authors, if inadvertently violated your copyright, please write and tell judge will delete three working days. 版权归作者所有,如果无意中侵犯了您的版权,请来信告知,本站将再3个工作日内删除。
All judgment is really and truly self-judgment when one looks at the larger picture, for one is also like all humans one attracts into their life dance upon a parallel plane. 当你看向更大的画面的时候,所有的判断都是真正的、真实的“自我判断”,因为一个人也和平行层中吸引进他们生命舞蹈中的所有人而相象。
All juvenile records are closed and confidential at the court's discretion. 翻译:对于青少年犯罪所有法庭上的判决纪录不向外公开并且是保密的。
All karma is based upon a debt of some sort. 所有的业力基于某类债务。

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