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Bolts are ground and flange holes are calibrated for perfect centering of the two flanges in respect of each other.

Bolting Premature flowering and seed production. Biennial plants will sometimes bolt in their first year; this seriously reduces their yield. 抽苔:提前开花或产生种子。两年生的植物有时会在第一年抽苔,这会导致产量严重下降。
Bolton Wanderers face a battle with Juventus for FC Zurich captain Blerim Dzemaili. 博尔顿流浪者为了得到FC苏黎士队的队长布勒利姆-德泽麦里将要面对来自尤文图斯的竞争.
Bolton have just one player out through injury — defender Khalilou Fadiga who has a knee injury. Veteran Ivan Campo is back after ten weeks out with a broken foot. 博尔顿只有一名球员伤病无法上场--后卫卡利洛.法迪加膝伤。伊万.坎波脚伤十周后复出。
Bolton stems from his blunt criticism of the United Nations, including a quip several years ago that the U.N. could get along fine without the top ten floors of its New York headquarters, which house its top officials. 几年前,他曾讽刺说,如果联合国纽约总部高层官员办公的最上面的10层楼都没有了的话,联合国可以照样运作。
Bolts and nuts are plated for corrosion resistance. 螺栓和螺母经过电镀防腐蚀处理。
Bolts are ground and flange holes are calibrated for perfect centering of the two flanges in respect of each other. 螺栓经过打磨,法兰螺栓孔也经过校准,实现了2个法兰相互之间的完美对中。
Bolts are making in this shop. 这个车间正在制造螺钉。
Bolts with drilled or undersize heads shall not be used. 被钻孔或头部尺寸太小的螺栓不能使用。
Bomb blasts struck the main airport, a department store and a hotel in the south part of Thailand yesterday. 昨日泰国南部的炸弹爆炸事件,袭击了主要机场、一间百货公司及一间饭店。
Bomb warnings and plane hijackings are far from unknown in Turkey, where a number of radical groups ranging from Kurdish separatists to far-left militants operate. 由于库尔德分离主义分子以及极左武装等激进小组的存在。炸弹威胁以及劫机在土耳其并不陌生。
Bomb-sniffing canine units were added at Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International Airport, maritime patrols were augmented near power plants that border Lake Erie, and more officers than usual were activated along the U.S.-Canadian border. 在辛辛那提/北肯塔基国际机场增加了能使用搜寻炸弹的猎犬的小组,对邻近伊利湖边的发电厂也加强了海上巡逻的力度,更多的士兵活跃在美加边境。

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