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The results suggest that the structure and concentration of alcohol in the mobile phase have a pronounced effect on enantiomeric separation and retention.

The results shows that pseudo boehmite being synthesized by aluminum sulfate has the characteristics of lesser impurity and simple preparation procedure, and has better catalytic properties. 结果表明:以硫酸铭合成的拟薄水铝石具有杂质少、工艺简单、稳定的特点;以该工艺合成的拟薄水铝石制备的催化剂,比工业拟薄水铝石所制催化剂,其微反催化剂活性提高了3%。
The results shows that the addition of nucleating agents increased the onset temperature and peak temperature and improved crystallization rate of PP. 结果表明,两种成核剂的加入均可提高聚丙烯的结晶起始温度和结晶峰温度,并加快结晶速度。
The results shows that the micro particle acidic proteinase is characterized by excellent heat satiability and resistance against acid, choline and high concentration meal ions. 结果表明,微丸型酸性蛋白酶具有良好的耐热性以及在预混料中耐酸、胆硷、高浓度金属离子等性能。
The results so far are no match for the depth and breadth of government and corporate products. But industry innovators say they just need time to grow. 它目前的成效还不及政府和公司产品的深度与广度,但改革家们说这只是时间问题。
The results stem from a case control study that included 166 patients with primary blepharospasm, 228 control patients with primary hemifacial spasm, and 187 population control subjects. 结论来自于一项包含166例原发性睑痉挛、288例对照原发性半面部痉挛和187例正常人对照的专项对比研究。
The results suggest that the structure and concentration of alcohol in the mobile phase have a pronounced effect on enantiomeric separation and retention. 结果发现,在相同的色谱条件下,被拆分簇合物在异丙醇作改性剂的流动相中的拆分效果较好。
The results suggest that there is no wealth effect in the market but only substitution effect. 实证结果表明,我国房地产市场不具有财富效应而仅具有替代效应。
The results suggest that using cellular phone would lead to decrement on detection task during driving. 对照于现实生活中的驾驶行为,本研究认为驾车时使用免持听筒行动电话,仍然存在着潜在的危害。
The results suggest that visual experience has a facilitating effect on morphological differentiation of bipolar cells, and early mature bipolar cells could provide light dependent signals to guide synaptic connections of ganglion cells in the inner retin 本篇结果证明了视觉经验可促进双极细胞的形态发育,并可进而推论早期成熟的双极细胞提供了光传入视网膜的讯号,再进一步去影响内层视网膜中神经节细胞在发育过程中的突触连结。
The results support my original theory. 这些结果支持了我最初的理论。
The results supported Coke's belief that fizzy drinks continue to offer long-term growth potential in spite of the shift towards healthier non-carbonated beverages in many developed countries. 良好的业绩支持了可口可乐的预期,即:尽管很多发达国家都开始提倡更为健康的非碳酸饮料,但碳酸饮料依然具有长期增长潜力。

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