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As one retail boss puts it, views diverge widely: “They [the manufacturers] see China as a threat and we see China as an opportunity”.

As one of the typical environmental disasters at south strand plain in Laizhou Bay, occurrence, development and variation of salt-water intrusion have close relationship with paleo-environmental evolution since Late Pleistocene, and with modern environmen 摘要通过对莱州湾南岸咸水入侵较严重地潍河下游地区晚更新世以来沉积特征及现代自然环境条件变化的分析,探讨了沉积相对咸水入侵产生及空间范围特征的环境机理。
As one of them opened his sack to give his donkey fodder at the lodging place, he saw his money; and behold, it was in the mouth of his sack. 28就对弟兄们说、我的银子归还了、看哪、仍在我口袋里.他们就提心吊胆、战战兢兢的彼此说、这是神向我们作甚麽呢。
As one of three injury types in the injury determination of antidumping law, the provisions of the material retardation in international antidumping agreement and the antidumping laws in many countries including Canada are so general and vague that it is 作为反倾销法中损害认定三种损害类型中的一种,国际反倾销协议和各国反倾销法包括发达国家如加拿大的反倾销法对其规定得都较为概括模糊,因此有必要对加拿大国际贸易法庭对有关实质性阻碍的案例解释进行分析,以明确该损害标准的适用规则。
As one patient showed a relapse, a total of eight (31%) patients responded to lamivudine pulse therapy over a mean period of 17.3 ± 4.5 months. 一名患者病情反跳,8名(31.%)患者对拉米脉冲疗法,在17.3±4.5月份平均值时间内有效应.
As one point of view; from one standpoint. 从一点来说;从一个观点出发
As one retail boss puts it, views diverge widely: “They [the manufacturers] see China as a threat and we see China as an opportunity”. 正如一位零售业老板所说,观点分歧很大:“他们(制造商)把中国看成是威胁,我们把中国看成是机会。”
As one retired senior commander put it, It should be remembered that, after the U.S., Japan is the largest contributor to the U.N. and to its peacekeeping budget. 正如一位退休的高级指挥官所言:“人们应该记得除了美国,日本是对联合国及其维和预算最大的援助者。
As one side of the rocker arm moves up, the other side moves down, just like a seesaw. 当摇臂的一侧上升,其另一侧下降,正如一块跷跷板一样。
As one sows, so shall he reap. 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。
As one valuable resource, the intergrowth between ethnic minority culture and environment is to let it seek new growth engines of ethnic minority become possible. 少数民族文化是一种宝贵的资源,它与环境的共生让寻求少数民族新的经济增长点成为可能。
As one windows communicate with the customer , Collect and analysis the quality information, design quality information report forms , track the corrective action status and confirm the effectiveness of corrective actions as per quality information. 作为与最终客户沟通的窗口,收集和分析最终客户的质量信息,编制相关质量信息报表,并根据相关质量数据跟踪质量问题的改进情况。

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