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Before installation, check line of flow through valve so that valve will function properly.

Before impact, you put energy into the racquet to get it up to speed for the collision, and during the impact you put in a little more energy to aim the shot. 击球之前,你在球拍之上加诸能量以便增加击球的速度,击球的过程中,你还得往球拍上加点儿力,以便把球打到目的的方向。
Before initial dose, depress pump 4-5 times or until primed. 首次使用本产品前,请按压喷头4-5次,直到可以喷出本产品。
Before install servos, All the servos should be installed with servos rocker which have rasped and install some accessories as shown in the diagram. 各舵机均应事先安装已修锉好的舵机摇臂和有关附件如图。
Before installation should clean dust and sundries in cavity of valve and the pipeline, to avoid affect the sealing performance. 安装前应消除阀门腔内及管道内尘屑杂物,以免影响密封性能。
Before installation should completed clean inner of the pipeline, particles or sundries are not allowed to be contained in the medium to avoid the damage of valve sealing surface. 阀门安装前请将管路彻底清洗干净,介质中不能含有颗粒或杂物。以免损伤阀门密封面。
Before installation, check line of flow through valve so that valve will function properly. 安装前,切断通过阀门的流体,以使阀门工作正常。
Before installing needs cleaning tube,remove filth. 安装前需清洗管路、除去污物。
Before intervening in any circuit which has a gas filled pressure vessel, the pressure must be discharged from the circuit. 当管道与充有压力气体的容器连接时,如果需要对任何管线进行操作,必须先将管线中的残余压力进行释放。
Before investing in expensive equipment, make a serious commitment to exercise. Research the relative benefits and drawbacks of different equipments, such as treadmills, stationary bikes, free weights, and so on. 在投资买贵重的健身设备之前,先对运动健身作出严肃的承诺。对步行板、蹬踏车、杠铃等不同器械的优缺点进行一番调查比较。
Before inviting the Supreme Court to legitimise his coup, General Musharraf felt compelled to sack half its members. 在请最高法院正式承认他领导的政变之前,穆沙拉夫将军给了他们一个下马威,解雇了一半的最高法院成员。
Before it becomes a retirement village, Silicon Valley may prove a classroom for building a global business. 在硅谷变成一个退休村之前,它很可能成为建立全球商业的一个教学场地。

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