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This course discusses the principles of genetics with application to the study of biological function at the level of molecules, cells, and multicellular organisms, including humans.

This course covers the fundamental notions and results about algebraic varieties over an algebraically closed field. It also analyzes the relations between complex algebraic varieties and complex analytic varieties. 本课程包括了代数闭域上代数簇的基本概念和结果,同时也讨论了复代数簇和复解析簇之间的关系。
This course covers the growth phase of an entrepreneurial business, focusing on the nature and challenges of entrepreneurial businesses as they move beyond startup. 这个课程涵括了企业起步阶段的管理,特别集中于企业开始进入市场后遇到的挑战和情况,创业企业在起步阶段的主要任务是完善内部组织能力以控制它的增长。
This course deals with all basic language skills: aural comprehension, speaking, reading, and writing. 本课程涉及了听,说,读,写这四项语言的基本技能。
This course deals with structural components in nuclear power plant systems, their functional purposes, operating conditions, and mechanical-structural design requirements. 本课程包含核能电厂系统的结构元件,元件的功能、操作条件及机械结构的设计要求。
This course deals with the following topics: Models of manufacturing systems, including transfer lines and flexible manufacturing systems; Calculation of performance measures, including throughput, in-process inventory, and meeting production commitments; 本课程主要涉及下列主题:制造系统模型,包括生产线和柔性制造系统;工作指标的计算,包括生产能力、在制品库存以及完成计划的能力;实时时序控制;机器失效、安装和其他中断对系统性能的影响。
This course discusses the principles of genetics with application to the study of biological function at the level of molecules, cells, and multicellular organisms, including humans. 本课程讨论了在分子、细胞、多细胞生物层面以及包括人类在内的生物功能的遗传学原理与应用。
This course emphasizes introduction how to use capital/raw material/information/technique and human resource availably, and provide usage to develop with product and process/quality management/produce ability and stock plan/supply chain management/the com 本课程着重介绍如何有效地使用资本/原料/信息/技术和人力资源,并提供运用与产品和流程开发/质量管理/生产能力与库存计划/供应链管理/技术和变革管理的综合方案.
This course emphasizes on the technical knowledge required for implementing lead-free soldering. 这一课程强调实施无铅焊接焊接的必备知识。
This course enables students to acquire thorough understanding of Japanese grammar including morphology and syntax up to advanced level (JLPT level1), which is necessary for reading different kinds of sinological works in Japanese. 本课程教导同学全面理解日语文法,掌握高级程度的词法和句法,俾使有效阅读各类日本汉学著作。
This course examines classical and quantum models of electrons and lattice vibrations in solids, emphasizing physical models for elastic properties, electronic transport, and heat capacity. 本课程检验了固体中的电子以及晶格振动的经典和量子模型,重点强调于弹性性质,电子输运过程和热容的物理模型。
This course examines how randomization can be used to make algorithms simpler and more efficient via random sampling, random selection of witnesses, symmetry breaking, and Markov chains. 这课程研究如何用乱数并透过随意抽样、随机选择证物、破坏对称以及马可夫链使得演算法更简单和更有效率。

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