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Bone and ligament and bone and tendon are now banked for use as allografts.

Bonds payable are the typical example of long-term liabilities. 应付债券是长期负债的典型例子。
Bonds payable shall be accounted for based on the face value if the bonds issued. 应付债券应当按照已发行债券的票面价值登记入帐。
Bonds pointed at Sampras. If this kid gets [up], you can move up here,Bonds said. 邦兹指着桑普拉斯说:“假如这小子肯让座,你就能换过来。”
Bonds shall be accounted for at par value. 发行债券时,应当按债券的面值记帐。
Bonds that do not pay interest are called zero coupon bonds. 不付息的债券叫做零息债券。
Bone and ligament and bone and tendon are now banked for use as allografts. 骨和韧带以及骨和肌腱目前已被储存用于同种异体移植。
Bone chicken thigh. Marinate with marinade and rosemary. 制法:1.鸡髀去骨,用腌料及露丝玛莉香草略腌。
Bone fractures and osteoporosis can be prevented by the manganese in pineapple. 骨折及骨质疏松均可靠凤梨中的锰元素得到预防。
Bone is substantial but never heavy. 骨骼结实有力,但是不显沉重。
Bone marrow is the source of the white blood cells of the immune system. 骨髓是免疫系统的白细胞的来源。
Bone marrow or stem-cell transplants are usually a last resort, intended for those whose illnesses have not responded to traditional treatments such as chemotherapy or radiation. 当传统的治疗如化学疗法或放射疗法不能奏效时,骨髓或干细胞移植通常是这类病人最后的救命之招。

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