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A cheap guy is avoiding his girlfriend on campus because he lied to her.

A chartered flight will carry Henry Fok Ying-tung's body to Hong Kong this morning. 霍英东的遗体将于今早由专机运返香港。
A chaste widow's main responsibilities consisted of taking care of her parents-in-law and children after the death of her husband. 准此,守节寡妇的重责大任即在养亲、抚孤,以使丈夫有后。
A chateau and church crown fertile fields in the C?te-d'Or, a 30-mile (48-kilometer) strip of land in Bourgogne (Burgundy), France. 城堡和教堂仿佛是王冠一样坐落在金丘肥沃的土地上,这里是位于法国勃艮地大约48公里的一片狭长地带。
A chateau and church crown fertile fields in the Cote-d'Or, a 30-mile (48-kilometer) strip of land in Bourgogne (Burgundy), France. 一座城堡和教堂就像皇冠一样坐落在科多尔肥沃的土地上,这是法国勃艮第地区一段约30英里(合48公里)长的带状土地。
A chattel bound to realty. 不动产附在不动产上的动产
A cheap guy is avoiding his girlfriend on campus because he lied to her. 一个小气鬼正在校园里躲避他的女友,因为他对她撒了谎。
A cheap one will do just fine. 便宜的将很好做。
A cheap or squalid theater. 跳蚤窝低劣的或肮脏的剧院
A cheap, showy trinket. 一种廉价艳丽的饰物
A cheaper camera is not always inferior to a more expensive one. 廉价照相机的质量并总不比昂贵的差。
A check is essentially an order instructing the bank to pay a given sum to a designated (indicated) person or firm. (虽然大多数中国人不太熟悉支票,但是`在发达国家,支票是`对商品与服务最为常用的支付形式。)

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