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Templar techsmiths forge weapons that hold true to their martial and medieval roots, incorporating a mixture of technology and the arcane.

Tempest is secretive and appears a bit mad. 应该说,坦佩斯特是一个神秘的、略带疯狂的人物。
Tempest roams in the pathless sky, ships get wrecked in the trackless water, death is abroad and children play. 风暴在无路的天空中飘游,船舶在无轨的海上破碎,死亡在猖狂,孩子们却在游戏。
Temping is a at way to build contacts. 打临时工,是建立人际关系的良方。
Temping is a great way to build contacts. 打临时工,是建立人际关系的良方。
Templar are the true believers, the keepers of the faith, and the destroyers of evil. 圣堂武士是虔诚的信徒,信仰的守护者,同时也是邪恶的掘墓人。
Templar techsmiths forge weapons that hold true to their martial and medieval roots, incorporating a mixture of technology and the arcane. 圣堂武士的工匠们铸造了捍卫真理的武器,融合了技术与魔法。
Templar: En Taro Adun, Zeratul! 圣堂武士:吾神在上,泽拉图!
Templars now get Offensive Stance at GM. 圣堂武士现在得到了GM级的进攻姿势。
Templates - This allows you to change the page layout for your game. 模板——这允许你改变游戏的页面布局。
Templates for major construction 2,000 tonne plastic production technology transfer, low-cost, environmentally friendly type of plastic resins and thiourea aldehyde wave aldehyde production technology transfer and increased Nianji Zhengshi cardindoor to a 主要有建筑模板专用胶2000元/吨生产技术转让、低成本、环保型脲醛树脂胶及消醛增粘剂生产技术转让和“正始牌”室内去毒剂--甲醛清除剂每公斤15元(无二次污染)并诚招全国各代理商。
Templates provide a natural mechanism for reuse of the notification subsystem with different state data. 模块提供了一种自然的解决方法,可使得事件通知子系统能用于不同的状态数据。

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