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Some high-end machines already have two or more microprocessors working side by side, as separate chips on a circuit board.

Some have written to UFJ expressing concern at its decision to pursue a merger with MTFG before properly considering the rival offer. 其中一些机构已致函日联银行,对日联在适当考虑竞争报价之前就决定寻求与三菱东京合并表示担心。
Some heat escapes and is lost, however carefully boiler casings and steam pipes are sealed. 无论锅炉的壳体和蒸汽管怎样仔细地密封,总有一些热要漏出来,损失掉。
Some heckled their president to his face in the vast atrium of the bank's headquarters; others have written to bank directors urging them to seek his resignation. 一些人在世行总部的巨大中庭中当面诘问他们的行长;其他人也写信给世行董事们,鼓动他们要求沃氏辞职。
Some herbs should be wrapped in a piece of thin cloth for decoction to avoid turbid solution. 为防止煎药后药液混浊及减少对消化道刺激,要用薄布将药包好,再煎煮。
Some hidden facts are likely to come to light. Play it smart and they are the truth about a situation in which you have been less than honest. 任何事情都会有水落石出的一天。理智的对待它吧,这就是你不够诚实的真相。
Some high-end machines already have two or more microprocessors working side by side, as separate chips on a circuit board. 一些高阶的机器,电路板上原本就有两个或多个微处理器晶片。
Some high-ranking officers plotted to overturn the government. 有几名高级军官策划推翻政府。
Some hobbies are relaxing and others are creative. 一些爱好是放松型的,其他的是创造型的。
Some hobbyists often turn to egg-laying types like the angel-fish, the striped zebras, and the neons. 某些内行人常常喜欢喂养产卵型观赏鱼,像天使鱼、斑纹鱼、和霓虹脂鲤。
Some holidays are so much fun that they catch on outside of their culture. 有些节日实在是很有趣,所以在本土文化以外的地方也很受欢迎。
Some homeowners and country clubs are removing turf in an effort to reduce the amount of water used to grow lawns. 为了节水,一些住户和乡村俱乐部甚至移走草坪,减少灌溉草坪的用水量。

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