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Magnetron has filamentary cathode with small time hearting, the shielded cathodic site, liquid cooling and the filter built - in by radio.

Magneto's got an army out there. You gotta war, you might not come home. She might not come home, you ready for that? 万磁王现在已经兵临城下,你得进行战斗而且可能回不了家了.她可能也回不了了,你准备好了吗?
Magnetocapsules were functional in vivo because mouse beta-cells restored normal glycemia in streptozotocin-induced diabetic mice and human islets induced sustained C-peptide levels in swine. 在体外实验中,运用磁性微囊能使链脲菌素诱导产生的糖尿病小鼠血糖恢复,也能使移植到猪身上的人胰岛持续产生C肽,因此,磁性微囊被认为在体外是有效的。
Magnetoelectric sensor is a kind of non-contact sensor and has some useful characteristics, such as non-contact, high response frequency, low power waste, high reliability, long life-span and etc. 磁电传感器是一种非接触式传感器,它具有无触点、无开关瞬态抖动、响应频率高、低功耗、高可靠性和长寿命等特点。
Magnetorheological (MR) elastomers are a kind of new intelligent materials based on MR effect, which have controllable modulus and damping. 摘要磁流变弹性体是具有磁流变效应的新型智能材料,其弹性模量和阻尼具有可控性。
Magnetron has filamentary cathode with small time hearting, the shielded cathodic site, liquid and air cooling, and also the filter built - in by radio. 该磁控管具有加热时间短的阴极,屏蔽阴极,液体和空气冷却,内建无线电滤波。
Magnetron has filamentary cathode with small time hearting, the shielded cathodic site, liquid cooling and the filter built - in by radio. 它具有加热时间短的细丝阴极,液体冷却和内建无线电滤波。
Magnetron has filamentaryo cathode with small time hearting, the shielded cathodic site, liquid cooling and the filter built - in by radio. 该磁控管具有加热时间短的屏蔽阴极,液体冷却和内建无线电滤波。
Magnetron it is characterized by small weight and a low level of the SHF radiation from a cathodic leg. 其特点在于小的重量和低的阴极超高频辐射。
Magnetron management of target capacity and stabilization of an anodi current with the help of the built - in electromagnet, an opportunity of a parallel feed several magnetrons from one rectifier, a low level of the SHF radiation from a cathodic leg is c 该磁控管可有效控制输出功率,内建电磁石使提高了它的阳极稳定性,一个整流器可同时供几个磁控管,具有低的阴极超高频辐射。
Magnets built into the floor and into the bed itself repel each other, pushing the bed up into the air. Thin steel cables tether the bed in place. 地面的磁体与床里的磁体互相排斥使得床漂浮在空中,同时细电缆线将浮床在空中定位。
Magnets held down their knives, forks and spoons. 磁铁可以吸住他们的刀子、叉子和勺子。

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