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Also considered is what these host-pathogen interactions reveal about the normal function of the immune system and basic cell biological processes, such as protein maturation and degradation.

Also called “telephone boiler room.”) An office that is used to promote worthless land or securities by mail or through telemarketing. 也被称为“电话交易所”)通过邮件或电话营销来推销荒地或垃圾证券的地点。
Also calledplatina of brain, it can con-trol and affect the exudation of others different hormones, so that can control the different functions of body, keep the energy of body. 褪黑素是人体大脑松果体中每晚分泌的一种控制人体信息的重要活性物质。
Also can use for wiring production and drink production etc. 同样适用于电器生产业、饮料容器生产及一些线路板的生产应用。
Also cannot record is several year-old time, I first time have theguts to take the handkerchief, helped mother to wipe off on the facewater tear; Mother do not cry, but also has me in! 也记不起来是几岁的时候,我第一次有胆量拿着手巾,帮妈妈擦掉了脸上的水泪;“妈妈不要哭,还有我在呢!”
Also consider like-minded/positioned players-your defensive line, for example, should be within a similar range or mentalities to ensure they stay together as a cohesive unit. 同时还要考虑到你的好多具有相似意向/位置的球员,例如你的后防线,应该保持在一个相似的心态范围之内,这样才能确保他们可以成为一个有机的整体。
Also considered is what these host-pathogen interactions reveal about the normal function of the immune system and basic cell biological processes, such as protein maturation and degradation. 同时探讨的还有这些宿主――病原体间相互作用所揭示的免疫系统的正常功能和基本的细胞生物学过程,如蛋白质的成熟和降解。
Also considers structural features: grain size, interstitial and substitutional solutes, precipitates, second-phase particles, and eutectoids. 亦考量结构特征如:晶粒、有格隙型固溶体和置换型固溶体、析出物、第二相颗粒和共晶。
Also consult literature and forums about relaxation, yoga, physiology and tai chi in general. 可以参考文献和论坛上关于休闲,瑜伽,心理学和太极都是同样的道理。
Also contributing to Bush's discomfort was the Iraqi government's effort to craft a constitution. 对布什的不适起作用的也是伊拉克政府,努力去营造一部宪法。
Also demonstrates a variety of ways to interpret the data found on the clipboard, supporting most standard formats. 也演示了一种变形的方法来解释剪贴板中的数据,支持大多数标准格式。
Also directed a number of commercials and music videos prior to feature films. 同时导演了很多故事片中的音乐电视.

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