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All the people in the synagogue were furious when they heard this.

All the people come out to dance and sing with candles. The angels dance with the girl. (所有的小孩托着蜡烛边唱边跳,小天使和小女孩也跳起了舞。)
All the people in books are myths. 书中所有的人物都是虚构的.
All the people in the area who liked dog meat gave it up, because they realized that the meat of any animal is produced through enormous suffering. 那个地方所有爱吃狗肉的人都不再吃肉了,因为他们明白了任何肉食都源自无边的苦痛。
All the people in the building were saved, but a firefighter lost his life. 大楼里的全部人员都获救,而一名消防队员丧生。
All the people in the office craned their necks to see this handsome young man and expected to know the love story between the boy and the girl . 办公室所有的人都伸长脖子来看这帅小伙,并且急切地想知道他们之间的爱情故事.
All the people in the synagogue were furious when they heard this. 28会堂里的人听见这话,都怒气满胸。
All the people living in that country have auburn hair. 住在那个村子里的人们的头发全是赤褐色的。
All the people of the land shall give this oblation for the prince in Israel. 16此地的民都要奉上这供物给以色列中的王。
All the people of the land shall join with the prince to contribute to this heave offering in Israel. 16此地的民都要奉上这举祭给以色列中的王。
All the people of whom you and I are the rag-tag and bobtail, all the camp followers of western civilization, we have taken it for granted that even if we did not live up to those exalted ethical standards, we did a great deal better than anyone else. 我们所有的人,包括你和我这样的下层平民,以及所有西方文明的依附者都认为,即使我们尚未达到那些崇高的道德标准,我们也还是是比别的任何人都干得好得多。
All the people rose as one man, saying, None of us will go home. No, not one of us will return to his house. 8众民都起来如同一人,说,我们连一人都不回自己帐棚,自己房屋去。

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